Page 2 - Danbury Top 20
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One of the biggest shopping malls in New
England, it is made up of approximately 200
different stores and restaurants including
large department stores. Offering a double
decker carousel and family fun nights, this
mall is a perfect afternoon activity.
Candlewood Lake is a man-made lake Taking place during November at St.
located in Fairfield and Litchfield counties. Gregory the Great Church, there are a variety
At 8.4 square miles, it is the largest lake of craft vendors and homemade items. A
is CT. The lake is bordered by 5 towns: silent auction takes place along with there
Brookfield, Danbury, New Fairfield, being a plethora of food and drinks.
New Milford, and Sherman. If you are a
Danbury resident, you have free access to 6. DANBURY FAIR CARNIVAL
Candlewood’s beaches. The Danbury City Fair Carnival is held in
early June. The annual fair- which is an
3. THE PALACE annual rite of spring- offers rides for people
Featuring the grandeur of the past and the of all ages, as well as plenty of food, live
entertainment of today, The Palace is your performances and games of chance.
downtown Danbury destination for music,
theatre, comedy film and so much more. 7. MONSTER MINI GOLF
18 holes of quirky monster-themed mini
4. WINERY FALL HARVEST FEST golf, this facility has plenty of fun activities
Taking place at the Shelter Rock Winery, this for the whole family. Lit by black lights,
Harvest Festival is one of the biggest events there are many glow in the dark features
of the year. In September, come enjoy that bring the experience to life. There is
delicious wine and food, meet new people, also a 2500 square feet laser tag course.
and stomp grapes with your bare feet!
An annual festival in Danbury that takes
place every September. The Irish Festival
is a 3-day indoor/ outdoor event with live
music, cultural activities, food, kid’s events
and more.
Opened in 1955, this 16-lane bowling alley
is a kid-sized sport. Played with 10 frames
on standard sized lanes, the pins and balls
are smaller. With a few arcade games, a
snack counter and drinks, it’s the perfect
place for a different and unique family