Page 31 - 235 Sky Top Terrace brochure 2024
P. 31



         What made you fall in love with the home?                What’s your favorite season here?

         The light and layout! The house is incredibly            All seasons! Spring and Summer are
         bright thanks to all the windows. The open               breathtaking with the incredible blooms
         layout, perfect for entertaining, captured our           around the house. It starts with the bright
         hearts immediately. We envisioned growing                yellow forsythia in the backyard, followed
         older here, and the single-level design sealed           by  dogwoods,  and  much  more.  The  foliage
         the deal.                                                during  fall  is  stunning,  and  even  the  snow-
                                                                  covered bare and evergreen trees in winter
                                                                  offer a beautiful sight.
         Why are you moving?

         My husband accepted a new job that requires              What are your favorite traditions in town?
         us to relocate. With our children fully grown
         and no longer living at home, it makes sense             Two stand out: Memorial Day and the 4th of
         to take advantage of this opportunity.                   July. Both events involve the entire town and
                                                                  are truly spectacular. We love watching our
                                                                  kids  and  friends  participate in  the  amazing
         Where's the pool?                                        parade downtown and spending the 4th of
                                                                  July lounging at the beach, culminating in
         Just a few feet away at our neighbor's                   the best fireworks show in the area.
         house!  We  created  a  walking  path  behind
         the shed and spent countless days in their
         large underground pool. They became our                  Is  there  anything  else  you would  like
         best friends.                                            to share?

                                                                  A:  This  home  has been cherished  and
         Why did you move to Fairfield?                           meticulously maintained, hosting countless
                                                                  incredible memories. As we've grown older,
         We both earned our graduate degrees from                 it has become our sanctuary. We love the
         Fairfield University and fell in love with the           quiet,  safety,  and  privacy  it  offers.  Being
         town. We wanted to raise our children in a               able to step out the door and take a leisurely
         diverse  community that meets everyone's                 stroll around the loop keeps us active and
         needs. No regrets! Our creative child thrived            connected to the community. While we would
         in the arts scene, our child with special                love to stay, downsizing and seizing the job
         needs received excellent support and is                  opportunity makes the most sense for us
         now  thriving  at  Duke  University, and our             now. To the future homeowners, you will find
         youngest, a talented athlete, found countless            happiness here. You are getting a home that
         opportunities to excel.                                  is not just a house, but a place filled with
                                                                  warmth and love, ready to welcome you and
                                                                  create new wonderful memories.

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