Page 12 - Deer Ridge Welcome Guide
P. 12


          Hollister House Garden                      Woodbury                        Playscape at
                The Hollister Homestead is a        Antiques Trail                    Public Beach
             historic house built about 1770. The  Between Wednesday and Sunday,    Bethlehem's town beach on
             english garden begun in 1979 and is  browse the local antique trail that  Long Meadow Pond.
                     open to the public             features 15 diverse shops.

                   Walker Road                     Highwire Deer &                    Bantam Lake
                     Vineyards                        Animal Farm                  Enjoy a day at the beach on
                   Yoga & wine anyone?!              Visit, touch, and feed the     Bantam Lake, home to two
            One hour of yoga followed by a glass   animals. From goats and deer    beaches, Morris Town Beach
               of wine. What could be better?           to their kangaroo         and Sandy Beach in Litchfield.

                     Litchfield                 Glebe House Museum                      Kent Falls
                      distillery                        & Garden
                                                                                       Wander across the
                       Offers visitors          Historic house museum at 49 Hollow
                                                                                    covered bridge, hike the
                 complimentary tours of the     Road in Woodbury. Built about 1740,  falls, and feel the mist on
                     facility and sample         it is a prominent local example of    your face as water
                         tastings                  Georgian colonial architecture          cascades

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