Page 24 - 29 Covelee brochure 2025
P. 24
WE LOVE About 29 covelee drive
1. 29 Covelee is a magical sanctuary where 4. Having appetizers and a glass of wine at
you feel one with nature. the end of the day … watching the water
birds fish for dinner, the sky turn multiple
2. Watching the sun rise while in bed sipping shades of orange, pink and red while the
a cup of coffee. sun sets, and simply reflecting on the
3. Entertaining here is so easy, warm and beauty of the Long Island Sound and the
expansive sky.
wonderful. The home just welcomes 5.
everyone. It’s the perfect place to celebrate Sitting under the covered porch reading a
family holidays, summer parties or just good book and listening to the birds, frogs
enjoy a drink with friends. and crickets while watching the oyster
boats in the distance along with the paddle
boarders, kayakers and sailors all enjoying
the summer fun.