Page 15 - South Benson Road_634
P. 15


                                         1.  Walks on the beach and around the marina.

                                    2.  The neighbors (they are the best)!

                                 3.  Being about to walk to the restaurants in town.

                                 4.  Listening to vinyls around the fireplace or chatting around the fire pit.

                                 5.  Best surround sound TV room ever.  The kids had many fabulous birthday
                                 parties in that room - danced up a storm.

                                  6.  I will miss the support of all beach area families.  We all watched out for each
                                   others kids - each child had at least 20 mothers and fathers watching out for
                                   them, nothing escaped us, we were a force.

                                    7.  Loved entertaining in this house - have had 60 people at a time - kids
                                    included - everyone had somewhere to be from outside to inside. Lots and lots
                                    of fun has been had in this home.

                                    8.  Will miss snow storms as all the neighbors comes out - its like a social event.
                                    Love it.

                                   9.  Easy, easy access to the beach, town, trains, shops - it is so super convenient,
                                  best area we have ever lived in in the USA.

                              10.  I will miss all the kids that have been in and out this house - I never knew if I had
                             two for lunch or 20 as the gang moved together and if they hit you spot at a meal time
                           then you were it - and I loved that.  Always had extra food at the ready or a pizza deliver
                         number to save me.
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