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                                                                                                                                                        SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE

                                                                                                                                         Timing                 Topic

                                                                                                                                         8:30 to 9:00           Breakfast & Exhibition

                                                                                                                                         9:00 to 9:15           Opening & Welcome

                                                                                                                                         9:15 to 10:00          Your communities are non-profit, your
                                                                                                                                                                company isn’t
                                              elcome to the 2017 edition of MEAMCON,
                                              the premier conference and exposition for                                                  10:00 to 10:15         A word from the President of CAI
                                              Community and Association Managers
                                  Win the Middle East.  MEAMCON had                                                                      10:15 to 10:45         Are you ready for VAT?
                                  its inaugural conference in 2011 under the aegis of
                                  the Dubai Real Estate Institute and the US-based                                                       10:45 to 11:15         Coffee Break & Exhibition
                                  Community Associations Institute (CAI) and supported
                                  by the Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA).
                                                                                                                                         11:15 to 12:00         Disruptive Technology in Community
                                     It started at a very crucial time in the real estate                                                                       Management
                                  industry when the fledgling practice of management
                                  services was finding its feet.  With the exponential                                                   12:00 to 12:45         Panel Discussion:
                                  growth of the real estate market, the need for good
                                  quality management services has been felt everywhere.                                                                         Technology & Social Media in today’s
                                  Developers and homeowners were on the constant                                                                                communities.
                                  lookout for professionally qualified and trained
                                  personnel who could protect and enhance the values                                                     12:45 to 1:45          Lunch & Exhibition
                                  of their properties. This need was fulfilled with the
                                  relationship between DREI and CAI to provide world-                                                    1:45 to 2:15           South African Adventure
                                  class education for community association managers
                                  and MEAMCON to act as forum for such professionals                                                     2:15 to 3:00           International Panel Discussion: What the
                                  to meet, network with peers and international gurus of                                                                        world is talking about today
                                  the global industry.
                                     With the recent official formation of the Community                                                 3:00 to 3:15           Coffee Break & Exhibition
                                  Associations Institute – Middle East Chapter (CAIME),
                                  the importance of sharing and networking between                                                       3:15 to 3:30           Importance of Fit-out Management
                                  professionals and companies has become even more
                                  significant. MEAMCON continues to provide plethora                                                     3:30 to 4:15           Panel Discussion:
                                  of opportunities to develop connections and expand                                                                            Crisis & Emergency Management
                                  professional networks through shared perspectives,
                                  experience and knowledge.
                                                                                                                                         4:15 to 4:45           CMCA – The Essential Credential
                                     MEAMCON 2017 promises to be bigger and better
                                  encompassing many more topics with fresh ideas, new                                                    4:45 to 5:00           CAIME…your Chapter needs you!
                                  insights and advanced solutions for the Community and
                                  Association Management industry.                                                                       5:00                   Conference ends

                                                                                                                                     *Agenda & Timings subject to change

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