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       SPEAKERS’ Profile                                                                                                     JEFF GILMOUR                                       LUIS EDUARDO
                                                                                                                             President, ARC – South Africa

                                                                                                                                              For the last 20 years Jeff has    President, Inmobiliaria Valenzuela cia. & Ltda –
          MAHMOUD EL BURAI                                   DREW MULHARE                                                                     been assisting networking bodies,   Colombia
                                                                                                                                              national committees, national
          CEO, Dubai Real Estate Institute - UAE             Chairman, CAMICB – USA                                                           stakeholder groupings, sector                      Luis Eduardo Garcia- President,
                                                                                                                                              training authorities, national                     Inmobiliaria Valenzuela cia.
                                                                              Drew Mulhare is the President
                           Eng. Mahmoud El Burai is currently                                                                                 standards bodies, government                       & Ltda, Colombia. Luis  is a
                                                                              of Realtec Community Services,                                  departments and employer bodies,
                           serving as CEO of Dubai Real                                                                                                                                          community manager for more than
                                                                              an AAMC management company
                           Estate Institute. He is currently                                                                                  in areas of collaboration, generation              20 years, a real estate consultant
                                                                              and is the General Manager of               of national standards and qualifications and formalisation of
                           the Vice President of International                the Ford’s Colony Homeowners                                                                                       and an international speaker. He
                           Real Estate Federation, FIABCI,                                                                agreements for purposes of harmony, legislation and common             is the founder and president of
                                                                              Association (FCHOA).  He is a
                           UK, since Jan. 2011 and sits on the                graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy          purpose. Jeff is President of the Association of Residential           Inmobiliaria Valenzuela cia. & Ltda.
                           board of International Real Estate                 with a B.S. in Management &                 Communities (ARC), founder of the Community Associations   Member of the National Community Managers’ Association
                           Society (IRES). Mahmoud has been   Technology. Drew came to Williamsburg Virginia to start     Institute SA (CAISA) and executive member of the Residential   in Bogota. He has founded several real estate companies and
       selected to be FIABCI representative at the United Nations   the development of Ford’s Colony at Williamsburg in 1984.   Community Council (RCC). He is also a member of The World   is a renowed advisor to investors of real estate.
       Economic Commission for West Asia (UNESCWA). He is also   Ford’s Colony is a gated, large scale community including   Congress of Community Association Management (TWCCAM)
       representing UNGC in the MENA region; applying Global   3250 residential units, 3 golf courses, and a Marriott Vacation   and the Foundation of International Community Associations
                                                                                                                          Research. He received the CAI Rising Star award in 2010 for
       Compact Principles and SDG’s to the real estate industry. He   Club. Drew was responsible for development, regulatory   Community Association Leadership. ARC was established
       advises World Economic Forum on housing policies.  affairs, and homeowner association management, and then         in 2008, celebrating 10 years in business in April 2018. ARC   SALVADOR DÍEZ
          Prior to his position in Dubai Real Estate Institute,   real estate sales. The FCHOA is the winner of the Community
                                                                                                                          supports HOA directors and managers through developing
       Mahmoud worked for 3 years as Senior Director of Real   Association of the Year Award and the Hall of Fame Award.    best practices across all disciplines of community management
       Estate Sector development at Real Estate Regulatory   Ford’s Colony earned several local, state and national awards                                                      LLORIS
                                                                                                                          & leadership and is the only organisation of its kind in
       Authority of Dubai and few years as a Development Associate   in sustainable development, environmental preservation,   Southern Africa.                                 President of the Property Managers Association
       Manager at Dubai Holding. Mahmoud completed his    architecture, and land planning. Ford’s Colony is highlighted                                                         General Board (CGCAFE) – Spain
       bachelor’s degree in Engineering at the American University   in travel and retirement planning publications, as well as
       before continuing on to earn his Master’s in Real Estate from   Best Practices for Transition from Developer Control and                                                                  Salvador Díez Lloris has acquired
       National University of Singapore. Mahmoud completed his   Community Spirit. Drew is the Chairman of the Community     MICHAEL JOHNSON                                                     his studies in Entrepreneurship
       MBA in Finance from his alma mater, American University   Association Managers International Certification Board                                                                          Science in the University of
       of Dubai in 2010. He is now pursuing his DBA at Grenoble   (CAMICB) and serves on the CMCA Test Development           President & CEO - FCS Community Management, USA                     Valladolid. He started his exercise
       Ecole de Management in France.                     Committee, as well as CAI’s National Faculty.  He served two                                                                           of Property Administrator in 1992,
                                                          terms on the CAI Board of Trustees.                                                 Michael Johnson is CEO of FCS                      continuously developing it since
                                                                                                                                              Community Management, Utah’s
          GREG SMITH                                                                                                                          original AAMC – Accredited                         then. He also owns the title of Real-
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Estate Property Agent with a long
                                                                                                                                              Association Management Company.
          President, Community Associations Institute – USA                                                                                   Michael is a highly rated member   career linked to the Real-Estate Sector.
                           Greg Smith is CAI’s 2017 President                                                                                 of CAI’s volunteer national faculty   He was chosen president of Valladolid Association in
                           and has been a community manager   PEPE GUTIERREZ                                                                  and in Utah volunteers his time as   2005. He fostered the foundation of the Regional Property
                           since 2002. He has held many roles                                                                                 Chair of the CAI Legislative Action   Managers Association in Castilla y León, being chosen as
                           in the community management       CEO, Administrapolis - Spain                                                     Committee (LAC). More Utah     its president when it was founded in October 2012, date
                           industry- onsite manager, portfolio                                                                                association board members have   in which he adopted the post of President of the Spanish
                                                                              Pepe Gutierrez has been a Property                                                             Property Managers Association General Board.
                           manager, branch manager, and                                                                                       completed the Board Leadership
                                                                              Manager from 1983 in Spain                                                                        He is a collaborating professor in Property Studies
                           management company executive.                                                                  Development Workshop under his instruction, than any
                                                                              and founder of three companies                                                                 Course of Burgos University. He has motivated and
                           Greg has been an executive with                                                                other instructor. Michael previously has served on CAI’s
                                                                              MEGAFINCAS, PHCONSULTAS,                                                                       encouraged the appearance and presence of Property
       Associa since 2010 and currently serves as a Senior Training                                                       national Association of Professional Community Managers
                                                                              and ADMINISTRAPOLIS. He is a                                                                   Managers and professional associations in the media with
       Consultant, responsible for training and development of                                                            board, Government & Public Affairs Committee and CEO-MC
       Associa’s community managers, executives, and Board                    Professor of Property Management            Committee; as well as past-president of the Utah CAI Chapter.  an intense activity that has translated into numerous press
       Members. Greg has earned his CMCA  designation from                    in Alicante and Burgos University              Michael has earned his Certified Manager of Community   articles and an important presence of this group in Social
       CAMICB and his AMS  and PCAM  designations from                        and a CPM  - Instructor Faculty             Associations (CMCA), Association Management Specialist   Network. He has taken part in several Conferences and
       CAI and has been active in CAI as a committee and board                of US-based IREM. Pepe has                  (AMS) and Professional Community Association Manager   Professional Meetings, and has participated, as a speaker
       member for over ten years. Building and managing successful            spoken on Property Management               (PCAM) designations. He has a bachelor’s degree in Business   in national and international property-related conferences,
       communities for more than 37 years, Associa, based in Dallas,          in the US, Russia, China, Japan,            Management from Brigham Young University.          proposing solutions for the different problems that take
       Texas, is the leader in community management with over   Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica,     Michael loves our industry and currently supervises   place in buildings due to the implementation of the different
       10,000 employees operating more than 180 branch offices in   Dominican Republic, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Brazil,   65 employees (including five PCAM’s) managing over 250   norms and laws, especially those of Condominium and
       the United States, Mexico, and Canada.             Uruguay, Italy and Portugal.                                    (27,000 units) of Utah’s best community associations.  Urban Renting.
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