Page 2 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 2
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58 SWITZERLAND Continued THAILAND: 3745. Ú 32, Good spacefiller. Has 1985 Lutz 3787. Û 78-89, F-VF ............... 91.60 3828. Ö 222-3, Tied by “R” in circle cancels
3674. SSÛ 371a, B297, VF, NH ...... 53.00 3716. Û 309-14, F-VF, NH ......... 109.50 Certificate. Cat $5,000........ Est 350.00+ 3788. Û 105-17, F-VF, primarily NH . . . 97.40 on cover with Bena, Victoria 27 May 1905
3675. Ö 376, 377 (Pair), Tied by special 3717. Û 339/584, Nine cpl mint sets. F-VF .. 3746. Û 56, QV Five Shilling, VF, NG. 200.00 3789. Û 121-35, F-VF ............. 138.35 split-ring cancel to Tasmania. Nice inter-
Montreaux 22 June 1959 cancel on cach FDC ............................... 62.55 3747. Ú 56, QV Five Shilling with neat Trinidad 3790. Ú 121-35, F-VF .............. 38.70 colonial cover from a very small town. F,
Airmail to Canada. Also has a mint NH set. VF 3718. SSÛ 1036a, 1117a, 1160a, VF, NH .. 27 Jy, 1883 CDS. F ............... 90.00 TURKS ISLANDS: small spiral punch holes ....... Est 50.00+
........................... Est 65.00+ .............................. 165.00 3748. Ú 56, QV Five Shilling with red “TOO- 3791. Û 11, Horiz strip of 3 of the QV Àd 3829. Ö QV 1À¢ on 2d surcharged Postal
3676. Ú B1-6, VF ................. 254.00 LATE” h/s. F.................... 90.00+ Surcharge. Nice colour, F, OG. A SCARCE Stationery card used from Queencliff 22
3677. Û B2-6, F-VF ............... 167.50 3749. Ú 56, QV Five Shilling with Trinidad 7 MULTIPLE .................... 570.00+ Ma 1892 to London England (rec cancel). F.
3678. Û B4-6, F-VF, NH ........... 170.00 Ap, 1888 CDS. F-VF .............. 90.00 TUSCANY: ........................... Est 60.00+
3679. Ú B7-9, B10-4, B18-28, Neat cancels. 3750. Ö 92, Tied by 1909 CDS on 3 diff b/w 3792. Û 4, Scarce 1 Crazie. Large margins, VIET NAM (NORTH):
F-VF .......................... 494.50 photo postcards all addr to URUGUAY VF, NG, slight flaws. Cat $2,275 Est 150.00+ 3830. ÕÛ 12-3, Imperf blocks with red
3680. Û B10-11, F-VF, NH .......... 66.50 (scarce destinations). Scenes incl St. Clair 3793. Ú 4, 4a, F .................. 290.00 surcharges. VF.................. 208.00
3681. Ú B10-4, B21-32, F-VF ....... 329.15 Street, Drying Cocoa operation & Maracas 3794. Ú 5, VG-F.................. 160.00 3831. Û 28-31, F-VF, rough perfs as issued.
3682. Ú B21-40, F-VF ............. 261.85 Waterfall. VF ............... Est 100.00+ 3795. Ú 6, Three distinct shades. VG-F 375.00 Some TS spots.................. 257.50
3683. Ú B41-52, B57-68, B73-6, F-VF. 150.55 3751. Û J1-9, Cpl Postage Due set, F-VF, NG 3796. Ú 6a, F .................... 325.00 VIET NAM (SOUTH):
3684. Ú B81-4, B91-4, B100-3, B106-15, .............................. 431.00 3797. Ú 7b, VG-F................. 300.00 3832. Û 124, National Boy Scout Jamboree
B117-8, F-VF .................... 96.95 3752. Ú O2, VF ................... 72.50 3798. Ú 10, Scarce 1q black. F-VF . . . 920.00 3pi coll of 5 diff IMPERF TRIAL COLOUR
3685. SSÛ B116, VF, NH ........... 95.00 3799. Ú 12, VG-F. Scarce .......... 900.00 PROOFS (1 single & 2 se-tenant pairs).
3686. SSÛ B130, VF, NH, slight gum toning . 3800. Ú 14, VG-F................. 175.00 Each a diff colour. VF. Lovely topicals .....
............................... 70.00 3719. ÚÛ B18-23, Wild Tiger Corps set. 3801. Ú 15, VG-F................. 300.00 ........................... Est 50.00+
3687. SSÛ B144, VF, NH .......... 110.00 F-VF (B18-9 are used). A must set for any
3688. Û B170-3, Nice lot of 28 Olympic 1948 BOY SCOUT collector ........... 508.00 VIRGIN ISLANDS:
semi-postal sets in multiples. Fresh, VF, NH THURN AND TAXIS: 3833. Û 38-46, Cpl KGV set to 5 Shilling. F-VF
.............................. 147.00 3720. Ú 42, 44 (2 shades), 45-6, VG-F . 83.50 .............................. 147.50
3689. SSÛ B206, Lunaba, VF, NH . . . 275.00 3834. Ú 49-52, KGV up to 5 Shilling, F-VF ..
3690. Ö C3 (Pair), C4, C5 (Pair), Tied on cach TOBAGO: .............................. 167.50
Graf Zeppelin Dubendorf Flight 2 Nov 1929
photo postcard to USA. Has St. Gallen Mail
Dropping CDS. The postcard depicts the air-
ship over the Alps. F, minor flaws Est 85.00+ 3753. Ú O4-5, F.................. 270.00
3691. Ö C5 (2), C9, Tied on cach GRAF 3754. ÕÛ O8-9, Blocks, VF, NH . Est 35.00+
ZEPPELIN Dubendorf Flight 2 Nov 1929 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO:
photo postcard to USA. Has St. Gallen Mail 3755. ÕÛ 32-3, Blocks, F-VF, NH . . . 59.00+
Dropping CDS. The postcard depicts the 3756. Û 34-42, F-VF ............... 87.15
Zeppelin Airship over Zurich. F-VF, small 3757. Ú 34-42, F-VF ............... 73.40
mounting traces.............. Est 80.00+ 3758. ÕÛ 43, Corner Block with the UL stamp
3692. Ú C13a, C15, C15a, C18, C25, F-VF . having the EXTRA FLAGSTAFF variety. F-VF
.............................. 136.00 ........................... Est 40.00+
3693. Ö C46 (4), Tied on 3 covers & 1 post- 3759. Û 50-61, F-VF ............... 81.35 3802. Û 16, scarce 9cr gray lilac Lion of 3835. Ú 53-66, Cpl used KGV set to 5 Shilling
card commemorating the 50th Anniversary 3760. Û 61, KGV $4.80 High Value perforated Tuscany. Fresh rich colour, nice impres- plus several extra shades. Neatly cancelled.
of the 1913 Oskar Bider Flight. Two items 3721. Ú 9a, Scarce QV One Penny BISECT “SPECIMEN”. Fresh, F-VF, NH. Est 125.00+ sion. F, OG. Has 1982 Raybaudi Certificate F-VF ......................... 311.30
depict the pilot & his plane. F-VF. Est 45.00+ neatly tied by Tobago 25 May, 1883 CDS 3761. Û 72-83, 89-102, F-VF, some NH .... & 1988 Philatelic Foundation Certificate. 3836. Û 144-58, QE set to $2.80. F-VF, LH .
3694. Ö Unused multi-coloured postcard circa on piece. F, crease in the piece not affecting .............................. 112.95 A WORLD CLASS RARITY .... 52,000.00 ............................... 84.95
1910 depicting 7 diff TELEGRAPH STAMPS. stamp (Cat $2,250 as a cover) Est 400.00+ 3762. Û 89-102, F-VF, LH........... 53.00 3803. Ú 17, Scarce 1 Crazie. VG-F . . . 960.00 3837. Û 842-61, VF, NH ............ 62.85
F, centre crease ............. Est 45.00+
3722. Ú 13, VF................... 110.00 TRIPOLITANIA: 3804. Ú 19, 21a, VG-F............. 412.50 WALLIS AND FUTUNA ISLANDS:
3723. Û 31, VF, toned gum ......... 110.00 TUVALU: 3838. Û 94/124, Lot of 25 diff FRANCE LIBRE
3724. Ú 31, Horiz pair, neat CDS cancel, VF 3805. ÕÛ Prince Andrew & Sarah Ferguson overprints. F-VF, NH ............. 102.50
............................. 115.00+ 1986 Royal Wedding Regional issues WURTTEMBERG:
TOGO: from Funafuti to Vaitupu cpl in 16 IMPERF
3725. Ö B12-4, B12a-4a (both perf & imperf), se-tenant blocks. VF, NH (64 stamps) .....
All tied by Lome 17 Oct 1959 CDS’s on 7 sep- ........................... Est 80.00+
arate FDC’s. Lovely RED CROSS topicals. VF TWO SICILIES:
........................... Est 40.00+ 3806. Ú 20-2, F-VF ............... 271.50
3726. SSÛ C121a, Christmas overprint on the 3807. Û 21, VF, LH, tiny corner crease ....
Moon Landing souvenir sheet. VF, NH 60.00 .............................. 310.00
3727. Ö 39, 40 (Pair), Tied by Niuafo’ou
Zealand. Has numerous h/s’s / cachets on
front & reverse. F, central fold ending in an
edge tear ................... Est 70.00+ 3839. Ú 29, Scarce 18Kr thin paper. F-VF,
3728. Ö 39, 56, Tied by Niuafo’ou 1938 CDS couple nibbed perfs. Has 1985 Lutz
on cach TIN CAN MAIL #10 size cover to Certificate.................... 2,250.00
Australia. We counted 20 diff handstamps / 3840. Ú O59-63, F-VF .............. 48.75
cancels on the front & reverse. F, 3 folds not
affecting the stamps .......... Est 65.00+ 3763. Ú 73-8, C43-8, Complete Colonial Arts YEMEN:
3729. Ö 57, 59, Both tied by Nuku’alofa can- Exhibition, F-VF, neat CDS’s ...... 242.00 3841. Ö C48, Vert strip of 3 tied by Sana’a
cels on 1921 Reg’d cover addr to W.T. Wilson 29 Nov 1976 CDS’s on Reg’d cover to USA
in England. F-VF ............ Est 140.00+ 3764. Ö Unused circa 1930’s colour illustrated 3808. Ú 26, RARE 20 Grana yellow tied on (10 Dec b/s). Bottom stamp has UNLISTED
3730. Ö 58, Tied by circa 1930’s Niuafo’ou Italian Propaganda postcard after Italian piece by Napoli al Porto 1862 CDS. F-VF. 3-BAR overprint at right. VF .... Est 75.00+
CDS on TIN CAN MAIL cover to Canada. Victory in North Africa depicting Standard of Has guarantee signature on back . 3,350.00 3842. Ö C48, Vert bottom margin strip of 3,
We counted at least 16 diff h/s’s. F, tiny edge Roman General Scipio Africanus, Map of Tied by Sana’a 7 Dec 1976 CDS’s on Reg’d
3695. Û Cpl set of 3 diff 1912 Pro Juventute tear ....................... Est 45.00+ North Africa & ancient ship with sail in Italian UGANDA: cover to St. Paul, Minn (16 Dec b/s). Centre
Forerunners inscriptions (in German, French 3731. ÕÛ 58, UL corner block with the colours. VF ................. Est 80.00+ 3809. Û 155-8, IMPERF Railway set. VF, NH stamp has unlisted “STAPLE” variety at left.
& Italian). Bright fresh colours, F-VF (French “RECUT 2À” variety on the UL stamp. VF, 3765. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated Italian ........................... Est 35.00+ VF, edge tear................ Est 75.00+
stamp is NH) .............. Est 650.00+
stamps are NH. A nice positional item (SG Propaganda postcard depicting military trans- UKRAINE: YUGOSLAVIA:
3696. Ö Stampless 1914 Swiss Army illus- #77a, Cat £40)............... Est 35.00+ port trucks on manoevers in the desert. F-VF 3810. ÚÛ Glassine with an unsorted accum 3843. ÕÛ 6, Spectacular MISPERF error, VF,
trated Patriotic feldpost card with Schutzer 3732. Ö 72, Tied by Niuafoou 28 Aug, 1939 ........................... Est 75.00+ circa 1918-20’s. Incl perf, imperf, trident over- OG........................ Est 35.00+
6th Division cancel to Zurich. Depicts soldiers CDS on cach TONGA TIN CAN MAIL TRISTAN DA CUNHA: prints, pictorials, some Western Ukraine, etc. 3844. Ö 131-5, Tied by Cakovec 9 Oct 1935
building defenses on frontier. VF. Est 45.00+ ILLUSTRATED COVER. We counted 25 3766. Û 1-11, KGVI issues to 5 Sh all with Primarily mint. No doubt most are forgeries bilingual cancels on Reg’d Express F.D. post-
3697. Ö Puzzle comprised of 10 Marchal diff markings / handstamps on the front & bottom imprint tabs. F-VF, NH ....... 77.50 but unchecked. F-VF (48) ...... Est 90.00+ card, addr domestically. Postcard depicts
Scout Museum reprints of WWI era Patriotic reverse. F .................. Est 70.00+ 3767. Û 14-27, F-VF, LH............ 57.50 3811. ÕÛ Carpatho-Ukraine 1945 mint blocks Zrinski in 16th Century & in 1930’s. VF. Very
postcards depicting French BOY SCOUTS 3733. Û 322/346, C130/C163, CO69/CO92, 3768. Û 42-54, F-VF, NH ........... 69.50 of a 100f (depicting breaking chain) & 200f attractive item!............... Est 65.00+
performing various functions. When assem- Boy Scout & Girl Guide topicals. VF, NH (26 3769. Ö 226, 283 (2), Tied by 1 Sept 1981 (depicting a fist with broken chain). F, most 3845. Û 398-409, Wildlife set, VF, NH 125.00
bled together they form a single image of a diff) ........................... 184.00 CDS’s on 4 diff cach covers commemorating stamps with OG............. Est 100.00+ 3846. Û 435-46, F-VF ............. 127.20
large Boy Scout. Also another b/w illustrated 3734. SSÛ 1177, Two unlisted IMPERF the 21st voyage of South African Research 3812. ÕÛ Carpatho-Ukraine 1945 LR imprint 3847. Û 452-61, F-VF, NH ......... 159.50
card showing the cpl image. VF, unused. souvenir sheets. One is normal while the Ship “Agulas”. Has diff cachets & fancy ship corner block of 10 of the 200f issue, depicting 3848. ÕÛ 663-71, Wildlife blocks. VF, NH ..
Great topicals & very unusual items! (11 second is DOUBLE PRINTED (with the cancels. VF (4 covers)......... Est 50.00+ a star with the hammer & sickle. Has a ............................... 72.00
postcards) .................. Est 50.00+ second print being INVERTED). VF, NH. TUNISIA: MAJOR MISPERF of the horiz perfs. F-VF, 3849. SSÚ C33, C33a, Train souvenir sheets
3698. Û Mint 50¢ blue 1913 Semi-Official A SCARCE UNLISTED ERROR Est 250.00+ NG. AN EYE-CATCHING ITEM! Est 125.00+ perf & imperf, VF, neat CDS’s ...... 210.00
Airmail. F-VF, small thins (Mi #V - 160 Euro) 3735. Ö Unused multi-coloured postcard pre UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: 3850. Û C33a, Imperf Train souvenir sheet.
........................... Est 75.00+ 1910 depicting 14 diff Tonga stamps along 3813. Ú 82, Used wholesale lot of 25. F-VF . VF, NH, minor gum bends ......... 175.00
3699. SSÛ Attractive sepia photo se-tenant with Coat-of-Arms. Has printed address for .............................. 287.50 3851. Û C45-7, C49, F-VF, NH...... 102.50
sheet of 20 diff GIRL GUIDES labels in origi- German stamp dealer. VF...... Est 60.00+ 3814. Ú 313, 384, VF............... 97.50 YUGOSLAVIA (LJUBLJANA):
nal folder. Depicts the visit of Lord & Lady 3736. Ö Unused multi-coloured postcard pre VATICAN CITY: 3852. Û NB5-8, F-VF.............. 140.00
BADEN POWELL to the Guide Chalet/Camp 1910, depicting a central portrait of KING 3815. Ö 19-20, 48, Tied by Vatican City 8 Sept
at Adelboden in 1932. Also shows exterior & GEORGE II surrounded by a crest & 14 diff 1938 CDS’s on b/w photo Propaganda post- ZANZIBAR:
interior of the chalet, Girl Guides in various Tonga stamps. VF. Scarce .... Est 100.00+ card to Topeln, Germany. Depicts HITLER & 3853. Û 214-7, VF................. 43.50
activities, etc. VF, NH, folded . . . Est 50.00+ MUSSOLINI reviewing troops on Hitler’s state
3700. Ö Swiss Army 8th Division 1939 frank 3737. Ö Scarce “INWARD BOUND” visit to Italy. VF .............. Est 75.00+
tied by matching Feldpost cancel on matching TONGA TIN CAN MAIL cover with two 3816. Û 19-34, E3-4, F-VF ......... 153.85 United States
Feldpost card to Solothurn. Depicts soldiers USA stamps from Mohine, Illinois 20 Sept 3770. Û 9-27, Cpl Coat of Arms set. VG-VF 3817. Ú 41-6, F-VF ............... 154.00
tending horses. VF ........... Est 40.00+ 1936. Addr to W.G. Quensell at Niuafo’ou. ............................. 907.50 3818. Û 41-54, F-VF .............. 279.00
3701. Ö Interesting coll of 19 WWII covers Has all kinds of handstamps/markings on 3771. Ö 32, 95, Tied by Tunis 1909 & 1929 3854. Ú 1, Sheet margin single with clear to
from MILITARY INTERNMENT CAMPS. All the front & reverse side. F, corner crease. CDS’s on 2 diff colour Patriotic postcards oversized margins, neat red grid cancel. Very
are Feldpost or free franked with some having See photo on Page 57 .....Est 150.00+ nice appearance but expertly repaired vertical
Red Cross or YMCA corner cards. Many (to Canada & USA respectively). Each depicts tear ...................... Est 350.00+
The Bey of Tunis in Royal regalia. F (2) ....
nice h/s’s. All addr to the RED CROSS IN TONGA (NIUAFO’OU): ........................... Est 45.00+
GENEVA. F-VF (19) ......... Est 175.00+ 3738. Û 275-86, Butterfly set. VF, NH. . 54.20
3702. Û Circa 1957 Official Presentation folder 3739. Û 275-86, Butterfly set in unlisted Imperf TURKEY:
containing TRIAL STAMP PRINTS depicting Pairs. VF, NH .................. 108.40+ 3772. Ö 30, 32, Tied by green CDS & pen
sphere, fish & scenic views. Incl 9 affixed on cancel on domestically addr cover circa 1871.
card & 58 in mint NH blocks or se-tenant F ......................... Est 50.00+
blocks. VF .................. Est 50.00+ 3773. Ú 90, BISECT. F-VF (Mi #III) Est 45.00+
SYRIA: 3774. Ö 259 (2 Pairs), Tied by Istanbul CDS’s
3703. Û 104b, 106b, DOUBLE SURCHARGE on Reg’d Censored cover to Columbia Univer-
errors. VG-F ..................... 70.00 sity, New York (19 Sept, 1919 b/s). Has censor
TANGANYIKA: h/s & tapes, Robert College, Constantinople
3704. ÚÛ 10/37, Coll of 20 diff from 1922-27. corner card, & Turkish Official circular green 3819. Û C16-17, Airmail set, fresh, VF, NH .
VG-VF ........................ 107.95 label affixed on back. F ........ Est 65.00+ ............................. 602.50 3855. Ú 1, Gorgeous used 5¢ red brown
3705. Û 35, ‘SPECIMEN’ perfin. F-VF, NH .. 3775. Ö 288, 299, 320, 338, 418 (2), Tied by Franklin with four large to huge margins
........................... Est 40.00+ Constantinople circa WWI CDS’s on bilingual VENEZUELA: (showing adjoining frameline at top). VF-XF,
part printed Parcel Advice notice from Wiener 3820. Ö Stampless folded Trans-Atlantic ship blue CDS cancels. Has 2016 PSE Certifi-
Bank to head office in Vienna. F, small edge letter dated 22 July 1865 carried aboard Brit- cate graded “VF-XF 85" ...... Est 650.00+
tear. Very interesting item ...... Est 50.00+ ish West Indies packet from Picerto Cabello
3776. Ö 355A, 372 (Pair), Tied on back of to Bordeaux 16 Aug b/s via London & Calais.
3740. Û CE6-11, Butterfly set. VF, NH. 325.00 Reg’d cover with Stamboul / Depart 19 Mar Has “16" m/s rate & boxed ”GB/1F. 60¢"
TRANSVAAL: 1917 CDS. Addr to Laussane, Switzerland hammer rate. F-VF .......... Est 100.00+
3741. Ö Unused 1902 b/w postcard depicting (28 Mar b/s). Has red circular Turkish official 3821. Û 137-41, VG-F+, HH ........ 106.00
Boer GENERAL LUCAS MEYER standing seal affixed. F ............... Est 75.00+ 3822. ÕÛ 259, Bolivar 5¢ blocks, 4 distinct
beside his horse. He was a member of the 3777. Û 634-7, 639-47, F-VF, some NH shades, all with red “SPECIMEN” overprints.
Transvaal Gov’t & President of the New (#647 has light crease). Cat approx $500... F-VF, NH, usual printer’s punch holes .....
Republic. F, small stain ........ Est 65.00+ .......................... Est 100.00+ ........................... Est 65.00+
3742. Ö Unused b/w postcard circa 1902 3778. Û 634-7, 639-47, F-VF, NH Cat approx 3823. Û 259-66, 268; Also 263a, Simon Boli-
$1,290 .................... Est 300.00+
3706. Û 41, KGV Three Shilling imperforate depicting BOER WAR heroes. Incl portraits 3779. Û 775-80, F-VF, NH .......... 90.00 var, American Banknote Co. 1915-23 printing
with neat “SPECIMEN” overprints. F-VF, NH,
PLATE PROOF pair in black & gray on of Kruger, Botha, Joubert, Delarey, etc. VF . 3780. Û 805-10, RA101-8, RA143, BOY usual printer’s punch holes ..... Est 50.00+
glazed unwatermarked paper. Large ........................... Est 60.00+ SCOUT related issues. F-VF, some NH ... VICTORIA: 3856. Ú 1a, Light red cancel, F, one slightly
margins, VF. Scarce ........ Est 500.00+ TRINIDAD: .............................. 106.25 3824. Ö 116, Tied by Richmond, Victoria 16 rounded corner ................. 525.00
3743. ÕÛ 2, Scarce block of 10, full margins
TANZANIA: all around, crisp colour, VF, OG, 6 stamps 3781. SSÛ 841, 1054a, VF (841 is NH) 170.00 June 1874 duplex cancel on cover England
3707. SSÛ (296), Imperf Souvenir Sheet with are NH. A RARELY SEEN 1851 MULTIPLE 3782. Ú J22-3, Both WITHOUT SURCHARGE. with Melbourne transit & London receiver.
overprint in black (not silver or gold). SCOTT .......................... Est 250.00+ F, 2 Piaster has thins.......... Est 50.00+ F-VF, tape stain on back ....... Est 35.00+
UNLISTED. VF, NH........... Est 50.00+ 3783. Û M1-5, F-VF................ 50.00 3825. Ö 117, 135, Tied by Richmond Victoria
3708. SSÛ (297), Imperf Souvenir Sheet with 3784. Ö Three diff unused colour / b/w Patriotic 24 Feb 1880 duplex cancel on cover to
overprint in black (not silver or gold). SCOTT postcards from 1900’s-10’s. Two depict Sultan CAMBRIDGE, NEW BRUNSWICK, Canada
UNLISTED. VF, NH........... Est 50.00+ Abdul Hamid; one features Sultan Mehmed V. (very scarce destination). Has m/s “Via San
TASMANIA: VF ........................ Est 65.00+ Francisco” & 4 diff b/s’s. (A similar cover from
3709. Û 11a, F, NG ............... 400.00 3785. Û Multi-coloured imperf 25 Lira revenue the same correspondence realized $400+ in
3710. Ú 12a, Horiz strip of 3. VG+. A scarce PROOF from 1953 depicting Kemal Ataturk. an Eastern Auction sale in 2022) Est 275.00+
multiple........................ 375.00 Affixed on small card with printer’s notations. 3826. Ö 217, 220, 222, Tied by Rushworth,
3711. Ú 14-6, VG-F ............... 335.00 VF ....................... Est 175.00+ Victoria 6 Dec 1912 CDS’s & “AR” h/s on
3712. Ú 15, F .................... 150.00 TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS: Reg’d cover to Boston via San Francisco. F,
3713. Û 29b, 32, F, NG ............ 340.00 3786. Ö 10-1, 24, 27-8, Tied by Turks Islands trivial bit of TS. Attractive looking! Est 100.00+ 3857. Ú 1b, ORANGE BROWN shade of 5¢
3714. Û 79, 81, Two diff QV issues with black 10 Nov 1916 CDS’s on Reg’d cover to USA. 3827. Ö 219 (3), Tied by T.P.O.3/UP/ Victo- Franklin. VF-XF, four full to huge margins,
blue cancel. Has 2017 Philatelic Foundation
“SPECIMEN” overprints. F ..... Est 45.00+ 3744. Ú 10, Scarce One Penny imperforate, Has New York & 2 diff Oakland, Ca Reg’d b/s’s. ria 9 Aug 1911 CDS’s on cover to Rochester,
3715. Û 92, F..................... 50.00 neat “1" grid cancel. F .......... 2,400.00 F-VF, slightly reduced. Pretty . . . Est 80.00+ NY, USA. F, small edge tear .... Est 35.00+ Certificate................. Est 700.00+