Page 27 - Lighting Brochure August 2021
P. 27
Unless otherwise specified DLC listed items are 5.0 or greater
Color & WATTAGE tunable Led Panels
2 x 2 1 x 4 2 x 4
0-10V Dimmable
Cat. Old Size Color fixture Watts volts Delivered Lm/w dimming Replaces In Case Each
No. Cat. Temp height Range @Max Watts Fluorescent Qty
3500K - 5000K CCT & Wattage Tunable DLC Standard
71174C 71174B 1X4 3.5K/4K/5K 1-5/8" 20w/30W/35W 120-277V 4,088 121 0-10V 64-128W 4
71164C 71164B 2x2 3.5K/4K/5K 1-5/8" 20w/30W/35W 120-277V 4,166 123 0-10V 64-128W 4
71165C 71165B 2x4 3.5K/4K/5K 1-5/8" 30w/35W/45W 120-277V 5,403 127 0-10V 64-128W 4
3500K - 5000K CCT & Wattage Tunable DLC Premium
71764C 2x2 3.5K/4K/5K 1-5/8" 20w/25W/30W 120-277V 3,772 128 0-10V 64-128W 4
71774C 2x4 3.5K/4K/5K 1-5/8" 30w/35W/40W 120-277V 4,949 126 0-10V 64-128W 4
71786A 15W Emergency Battery Backup 1
71794B 71794 1x4, 2x2, 2x4 Suspension Hanging Kit 1
71797B 71797A 2x2 Surface Mounting Trim Kit (White) 1
71798B 71798A 1x4 Surface Mounting Trim Kit (White) 1
71799B 71799A 2x4 Surface Mounting Trim Kit (White) 1
Color & WATTAGE tunable Surface Mount LED Panels
Integral surface mount frame and fixture for fast, cost effective mounting to sheetrock
Low Profile reduced labor cost color & wattage tunable
Cat. Size Color FIXture Watts Range volts Delivered Lm/w dimming Replaces In Case Each
No. Temp height @Max Watts Fluorescent Qty
3500K - 5000K CCT & Wattage Tunable DLC Premium
72802 2x2 3.5K/4.1K/5K 1-3/4" 20w/25W/30W/36W/40W 120-277V 4,901 126 0-10V 64-128W 2
72804 2x4 3.5K/4.1K/5K 1-3/4" 25W/30w/40W/45W/50W 120-277V 6,373 126 0-10V 64-128W 2
FOR MORE INFO visit 25