Page 7 - Daily News_20220407
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                   Toray 砸逾 3.8 億美元匈牙利設電池隔膜廠,當地政府補助逾

                   1400 萬美元

                   日本東麗(Toray)在匈國 Nyergesujfalu(布達佩斯西北 50 公里)耗資

                   1,270 億福林(約 3.83 億美元)興建的車用鋰電池隔膜(battery

                   separator film)工廠於 2022 年 3 月 31 日啟用。

                   Why Lululemon Stock Gained 14% and Beat the Market in March

                   Lululemon is know for its yoga pants that are popular among women.
                   However, on March 8, the company announced it's officially expanding
                   into footwear with four lines of women's shoes. While this is a new
                   opportunity, keep in mind that Lululemon generated more than $6 billion

                   in revenue in 2021. Therefore, shoes likely will take time to move the
                   needle for Lululemon. And maybe that's why this news was met with a
                   yawn from investors.

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