Page 134 - PGA Catalogue
P. 134

      OILS &

      LUBRICANTS                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2023
       Indian Motorcycle Lubricants are engineered specifically to provide
       Indian Motorcycle Lubricants are engineered specifically to provide                                                                                                                                                                 FTR
       unmatched protection and performance in both air cooled and liquid
       unmatched protection and performance in both air cooled and liquid                                                                                                                                                                  10-25
       cooled motorcycle engines. Our formulas are designed to resist high
       cooled motorcycle engines. Our formulas are designed to resist high
       heat and thermal breakdown, keep the engine clean to maximize
       heat and thermal breakdown, keep the engine clean to maximize
       horsepower and protect gear and transmission components while
       horsepower and protect gear and transmission components while                                                                                                                                                                       SCOUT
       providing optimum clutch and shifting characteristics. After-market oils
       providing optimum clutch and shifting characteristics. After-market oils                                                                                                                                                            26-47
       are generally produced to fit a wide variety of brands, engine sizes and
       are generally produced to fit a wide variety of brands, engine sizes and
       transmission configurations. Indian Motorcycles invests millions in engine
       transmission configurations. Indian Motorcycles invests millions in engine                                                                                                                                                          INDIAN CHIEF
       development, including testing each and every lubricant we produce, in
       development, including testing each and every lubricant we produce, in
       field validation and engine dynamometer testing, to ensure we have the
       field validation and engine dynamometer testing, to ensure we have the                                                                                                                                                              48-63
       highest quality of oils and lubricants available for your Indian Motorcycle.
       highest quality of oils and lubricants available for your Indian Motorcycle.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           CHIEFTAIN &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           CHALLENGER &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           INDIAN PURSUIT
                                                                  TOP SELLER
         TOP SELLER
         TOP SELLER                                               TOP SELLER                                                                                                                                                               108-125
                                                                15W-60 FULL SYNTHETIC ENGINE OIL
       20W-40 SEMI-SYNTHETIC ENGINE OIL                         15W-60 FULL SYNTHETIC ENGINE OIL                                     INDIAN CARBON CLEANER                                     FORK OIL
       2880012    Quart                                         2880187     Quart                                                    2881911     12 fl oz.                                     2208093    Type I, 1Quart*                  POWERBAND
                                                                            Drum – 55 Gallons
                  Drum – 55 Gallons
       2880013    Drum – 55 Gallons                             2880188     Drum – 55 Gallons                                                                                                  2884244    Type II, 1 Quart**
                                                                            330 Gallon Tote
       2884065    330 Gallon Tote                               2884083     330 Gallon Tote                                          Total fuel system cleaner. Stabilised fuel for up to 2                                                126-129
                  330 Gallon Tote
                                                                                                                                     years. Removes carbon deposits from injectors, valves,    Developed with a high viscosity index to resist shear,
       Approved for use in all Thunderstroke air cooled Indian   Indian 15W-60 is approved for use in all air cooled and liquid      piston rings and combustion chamber.                      foaming, heat and internal shock wear.
                                                                Indian 15W-60 is approved for use in all air cooled and liquid
       Approved for use in all Thunderstroke air cooled Indian
                                                                cooled Indian Motorcycle engines. Our wide viscosity range custom
       Motorcycle engines. High heat shear stability, engine
       Motorcycle engines. High heat shear stability, engine    cooled Indian Motorcycle engines. Our wide viscosity range custom                                                              *Compatible with all Indian Motorcycles except   COLOUR-
                                                                motorcycle specific additive system smooths shift effort, enhances
       wear protection and enhanced clutch wear protection. Not   motorcycle specific additive system smooths shift effort, enhances                                                           Indian Challenger & Indian Pursuit models.    MATCHED
       wear protection and enhanced clutch wear protection. Not
                                                                clutch feel for positive shift engagement and reduces clutch
       compatible with Indian Challenger & Indian Pursuit models.  clutch feel for positive shift engagement and reduces clutch                                                                **Compatible with Indian Challenger & Indian   ACCESSORIES
       compatible with Indian Challenger & Indian Pursuit models.
                                                                wear. Full synthetic base stock and advanced API SN category
                                                                wear. Full synthetic base stock and advanced API SN category                                                                   Pursuit models.                             130-133
                                                                formulation improves high temperature deposit protection for
                                                                formulation improves high temperature deposit protection for
                                                                maximum power and reduced piston and cam wear. Extended 10k
                                                                maximum power and reduced piston and cam wear. Extended 10k
                                                                mile oil change interval on all Scout engines.                                                                                                                             GARAGE
                                                                mile oil change interval on all Scout engines.
         TOP SELLER                                               TOP SELLER                                                                                                                     TOP SELLER
                                                                  TOP SELLER
         TOP SELLER
                                                                INDIAN SCOUT OIL CHANGE KIT
       THUNDERSTROKE OIL CHANGE KIT                             INDIAN SCOUT OIL CHANGE KIT                                          50/50 PREMIX EXTENDED LIFE                                OIL FILTER
       2889311    6 Quarts – 20W-40                             2880191     4 Quarts – 15W-60                                                                                                  2520799*
                  6 Quarts – 20W-40
                                                                            4 Quarts – 15W-60
                  Semi Synthetic Motor Oil                                  Full Synthetic Motor Oil                                 2880966     1 Quart                                       2521421**
                                                                            Full Synthetic Motor Oil
                  Semi Synthetic Motor Oil
       Contains: 1 oil filter (2521421) and 2 washers.          Contains: 1 oil filter (2520799), and 2 washers.                     Advanced extended life coolant designed for use in
       Contains: 1 oil filter (2521421) and 2 washers.
                                                                Contains: 1 oil filter (2520799), and 2 washers.
       Compatible with Thunderstroke air cooled engines from
       Compatible with Thunderstroke air cooled engines from    Compatible with all Indian Scout model engines.                      all liquid cooled Indian motorcycles.                     *Compatible with Indian Scout models.
                                                                Compatible with all Indian Scout model engines.
       2018 and older. 2019 engines, see dealer for capacity.
       2018 and older. 2019 engines, see dealer for capacity.                                                                                                                                  **Compatible with 2014 and newer Thunderstroke
       2020-2023 engines require 6 quarts of engine oil.
       2020-2023 engines require 6 quarts of engine oil.                                                                                                                                       and PowerPlus engines.
                                                                                                                                                                                               ***Compatible with FTR Models.
         TOP SELLER                                               TOP SELLER
                                                                  TOP SELLER
         TOP SELLER
                                                                FTR OIL CHANGE KIT
       POWERPLUS OIL CHANGE KIT                                 FTR OIL CHANGE KIT                                                   DOT-4 BRAKE FLUID                                         SYNTHETIC CHAIN LUBE
       2884171    5 Quarts – 15W-60                             2884182     4 Quarts – 15W-60                                        2880016     12 fl oz.                                     2884172    11 oz.
                  5 Quarts – 15W-60
                                                                            4 Quarts – 15W-60
                  Full Synthetic Motor Oil
                  Full Synthetic Motor Oil                                  Full Synthetic Engine Oil
                                                                            Full Synthetic Engine Oil
                                                                                                                                     DOT-4 Brake Fluid maintains viscosity over a wide         Advanced anti-wear and corrosion protection
       Contains: 1 oil filter (2521421) and 1 washer.           Contains: 1 oil filter (2540086) and 2 drain plug washers.           temperature range. Designed for use in all Indian         system designed for on-road and off-road
       Contains: 1 oil filter (2521421) and 1 washer.
                                                                Contains: 1 oil filter (2540086) and 2 drain plug washers.
       Compatible with the PowerPlus engine.                    Compatible with Indian FTR models.                                   motorcycles, including ABS systems.                       motorcycles. Compatible with FTR models.
       Compatible with the PowerPlus engine.
                                                                Compatible with Indian FTR models.
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