Page 78 - PGA Catalogue
P. 78


                                                                                                                                                                                           TOP SELLER                                    2023
                                                                                12 IN. APE HANGER HANDLEBAR KIT
                                                                               12 IN. APE HANGER HANDLEBAR KIT *  *                   SELECT RIDER FLOORBOARDS                           HEADDRESS RIDER FLOORBOARD PADS
                                                                               2884385-410  Polished Stainless                        2883021-156  Chrome                                2879606-01   Polished Inlays                      INTRO
                                                                                2884385-410  Polished Stainless
                                                                               2884385-266  Gloss Black                               2883021-468  Black                                                                                   2-9
                                                                                2884385-266  Gloss Black
                                                                                                                                                                                         Use the Headdress Rider Floorboard Pads with your
                                                                                Dealer Installation Recommended. Fits model year 2018-2023.   Fits model year 2016-2023.                 standard floorboards for an extra boost of style.
                                                                                Standard on 2020-2023 Indian Springfield Dark Horse.                                                     Fits model year 2016-2023.                        FTR
                                                                                                                                      SELECT PASSENGER FLOORBOARDS                       HEADDRESS PASSENGER FLOORBOARD PADS
                                                                                                                                      2882866-156  Chrome                                2884155                                           INDIAN CHIEF
                                                                                                                                      2882866-468  Black                                                                                   48-63
                                                                                                                                                                                         Matches the Headdress Rider Floorboard Pads (2879606-01),
                                                                                                                                      Fits model year 2016-2023.                         sold separately. Add cushion to the floorboards and help isolate
                                                                                16 IN. APE HANGER HANDLEBAR KIT *                                                                        road vibration for a more comfortable ride. Installs easily over   INDIAN
                                                                                                                                                                                         the Standard Passenger Floorboards (2880293), required, may   SPRINGFIELD
                                                                                2885137-410  Polished Stainless*
                                                                               2885137-410  Polished Stainless*                                                                          be sold separately. Fits model year 2016-2023.    64-83
                                                                                2885137-266  Gloss Black*
                                                                               2885137-266  Gloss Black*
                                                                                Dealer Installation Recommended. Fits model year 2018-2023.                                                                                                CHIEFTAIN &
                                                                                *Extended Clutch Cable not included, required, sold separately.  TOP SELLER                                TOP SELLER                                      ROADMASTER
                                                                                                                                      SELECT TOE PEG                                     STANDARD PASSENGER FLOORBOARDS
                                                                                                                                      2880728-156  Chrome                                2880293     Chrome                                INDIAN
                                                                                                                                      2880728-468   Matte Black                          2880288     Mount                                 CHALLENGER &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           INDIAN PURSUIT
                                                                                                                                      Installs in place of the standard toe shifter peg   Indian Springfield Dark Horse requires Adjustable Passenger   108-125
                                                                                                                                      and adds a great looking accessory to your Indian   Floorboard Mounts (2880288), sold separately. Standard on
                                                                                                                                      Motorcycle. Fits model year 2016-2023.             Indian Springfield. Fits model year 2016-2023.
                                                                                REDUCED REACH HANDLEBAR                                                                                                                                    AUDIO
                                                                                2882919-410  Polished Stainless
                                                                               2882919-410  Polished Stainless                        SELECT HEEL SHIFTER PEG                            SELECT SCRIPT PEGS
                                                                                Dealer Installation Recommended. Positions controls 2 In.                                                                                                  COLOUR-
                                                                                closer. Fits model year 2018-2023.                    2880729-156  Chrome                                2880106-266   Gloss Black                         MATCHED
                                                                                                                                      2880729-468   Matte Black
                                                                                                                                                                                         Can be installed on both the passenger pegs mount or highway bars   ACCESSORIES
                                                                                                                                      Attaches to the Pinnacle Heel Shifter (2880103-156, -266,   peg mounts (see page 77 for highway bars options. Highway bars and   130-133
                                                                                                                                      2884772-156, -266), required sold separately. Fits model   passenger pegs, 2879993-156 or 2880667-626, sold separately). Requires
                                                                                                                                      year 2016-2023.                                    Pinnacle Passenger Peg Supports (2879993-156) or Passenger Pegs
                                                                                BEACH BAR HANDLEBAR                                                                                      (2880667-626), each sold separately. Fits model year 2016-2023.  GARAGE
                                                                                2882921-410  Polished Stainless
                                                                               2882921-410  Polished Stainless
                                                                               2883448-266  Gloss Black                                 TOP SELLER                                         TOP SELLER
                                                                                2883448-266  Gloss Black
                                                                                Dealer Installation Recommended. Fits model year 2018-2023.  INFINITE HIGHWAY PEGS                       PINNACLE HEEL SHIFTER
                                                                                                                                      2879572-156  Chrome                                2880103-156  Chrome*
                                                                                   TOP SELLER                                         2879572-266   Gloss Black                          2880103-463  Black*
                                                                                CLUTCH CABLE INSTALLATION KIT                         Fits model year 2016-2023.                         2884772-266  Black**
                                                                                2885149     Springfield**                                                                                This heel shifter gives you the convenience and comfort of heel
                                                                                2885148     Springfield Dark Horse***                                                                    up-shifts and toe down-shifts.
                                                                                                                                                                                         *Fits 2016-2020 Indian Springfield, 2018-2023 Indian Springfield
                                                                                **Fits 2021-2023 Indian Springfield.                                                                     Dark Horse & 2021 Vintage & Vintage Dark Horse.
                                                                                ***Fits model year 2014-2020, 2021 Vintage & Vintage Dark Horse                                          **Fits 2021-2023 Indian Springfield.
                                                                                & 2021-2023 Indian Springfield Dark Horse.
                                                                                                                                        TOP SELLER
                                                                                   TOP SELLER                                         PASSENGER PEGS                                     TOE RESTS
                                                                                HEATED HANDLEBAR GRIPS                                2880667-626   Matte Black                          2881848-156  Chrome
                                                                               2890219    Black                                       Fits model year 2016-2023.                         Requires a highway bar, sold separately, see page 77.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Fits model year 2016-2023.
                                                                                Includes Wire Harness and Switch. Fits model year 2018-2023.
                                                                                   TOP SELLER
                                                                                SELECT HANDLEBAR GRIPS                                MUSTACHE HIGHWAY BAR FOOTREST
                               16. IN APE HANGER HANDLEBAR KIT                                                                                                                           BRAKE LEVER WITH FOOT PAD
                               16. IN APE HANGER HANDLEBAR KIT
                                                                               2882828-156  Chrome                                    2880866                                            2890543-156  Chrome
                                                                                2882828-156  Chrome
                                                                                2882828-468  Black
                                                                               2882828-468  Black
                                                                                                                                      Mustache Highway Bar comes standard on Indian      2890543-266  Black
       * Handlebar heights are regulated by state and local laws. Accessory handlebars may not be                                     Springfield. Fits model year 2016-2023.
        legal in all areas or for all riders. Check state and local regulations. Follow all installation   Fits model year 2018-2023.                                                    Fits model year 2019-2023.
        instructions to ensure that the handlebars are securely in place and are appropriate for
   78   rider size, control, and visibility.                                                                                                                                                                                                     79
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