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Y.-R. Huang et al. / Food Control 19 (2008) 329–345                 331

                                   Fig. 1. Schematics of electrolyzed water generator and produced compounds.

          hydroxide in the diluted salt solution move to the anode to  water generators, made by the Hoshizaki Ò  Company,
          give up electrons and become oxygen gas, chlorine gas,  allows the users to select amperages and/or voltages, while
          hypochlorite ion, hypochlorous acid and hydrochloric acid,  the machines change brine flow rate accordingly. The third
          while positively charged ions such as hydrogen and sodium  type of EO water generators, made by the Toyo and the
          move to the cathode to take up electrons and become  Nippon Intek companies, allows the users to select a pre-
          hydrogen gas and sodium hydroxide (Hsu, 2005). Two   set chlorine concentration level of EO water from a display
          types of water are produced simultaneously. EO water,  panel and the machines change brine flow rate and amper-
          with low pH (2.3–2.7), high oxidation–reduction potential  ages and/or voltages automatically (Hsu, 2003).
          (ORP, >1000 mV), high dissolved oxygen and contains free  Hsu (2003) investigated relationship among water flow
          chlorine (concentration depends on the EO water machine  rate, water temperature and salt concentration on electrol-
          setting), is produced from anode side. However, electro-  ysis efficiency, and separation efficiency of an EO water
          lyzed reduced (ER) water, with high pH (10.0–11.5), high  generator. He made following conclusions: (1) electric
          dissolved hydrogen, and low ORP ( 800 to  900 mV), is  potential (7.9–15.7 V) and power consumption (16–
          produced from the cathode side. ER water with strong  120 W) of electrolysis cell were not affected by water flow
          reducing potential can be used to remove dirt and grease  rate, water temperature or salt concentration in the feed
          from items such as cutting boards and other kitchen uten-  solution; (2) electric current changed with water tempera-
          sils (Hsu, 2005).                                    ture and water flow rate; and (3) electrolysis efficiency of
            The principle of producing electrolyzed water is shown  the electrolysis cell and separation efficiency of the ion
          in the Fig. 1 with the following:                    exchange membrane were significantly decreased by the
                                                               increases in water flow rate and salt concentration in the

          Positivepole : 2H 2 O ! 4H þ O 2 "þ4e
                                                               feed solution. Later, Hsu (2005) also reported that ORP

                      2NaCl ! Cl 2 "þ2e þ 2Na þ                decreased with increases in water follow rate and free chlo-
                      Cl 2 þ H 2 O ! HCl þ HOCl                rine increased with increases of salt concentration and

          Negativepole : 2H 2 O þ 2e ! 2OH þ H 2 "             decrease of water flow rate.

                      2NaCl þ 2OH ! 2NaOH þ Cl
                                                               4. The advantages and disadvantages of EO water
          3. Systems for generation of electrolyzed water         The main advantage of EO water is its safety. EO water
                                                               which is also a strong acid, is different to hydrochloric acid
            Commercial EO water generators can be divided into  or sulfuric acid in that it is not corrosive to skin, mucous
          three major types based on their automatic control sys-  membrane, or organic material. On the other hand, sodium
          tems. The first type of EO water generators, made by the  hypochlorite was proved to have a strong toxicity, such as
          ARV Ò  and the Amano Ò  companies, allows the users to  skin irritation, membrane irritation, acute toxicity, and so
          select brine flow rate while the machines adjust voltages  on (Mori et al., 1997; Sekiya, Ohmori, & Harii, 1997;
          and/or amperages automatically. The second type of EO  Shigeto et al., 2000). Currently used hatchery sanitizers
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