Page 87 - Black Mountain Global Group - Presentation
P. 87


               In this market segment, we deal with the general areas of consulting, marketing and management, which mainly relate to object and project

               developments,  asset  management  and  their  implementation. Right  down  to  selected  economic  segments  that  do  justice  to  the  business

               philosophy of our group of companies.

               This includes targeted investment and business advice for start-ups of all kinds, their operative business areas, such as the “Financial & Banking

               Service” and those areas that are part of our own business spectrum.

               Here we accept any inquiries from interested parties, whose examination and subsequent qualification lead to a decision-making process on our


               For  us,  qualified  advice  means  more  than  just  reacting  to  changing  conditions. We  develop  strategies  and  concepts,  carry  out  market  and

               company analyses, plan and optimize business processes, advise on project management and quality assurance issues.

               Through  qualified  advice,  we  support  our  clients  in

               successfully  presenting  and  communicating  on  the

               international  market,  strengthening  their  competitive

               position and building long-term competitive advantages.

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