Page 9 - Black Mountain Global Group - Presentation
P. 9


               Stress defines our lives nowadays. The greater the daily load and responsibility in one’s family and professional life, the more our thoughts and

               actions are taken up by building assets, maintaining them and increasing them, optimizing them to make profit and protecting them from tax and

               inflation losses without thereby ignoring safety parameters.

               Security, stability of value and profitability are very important criteria in every investment decision for secured asset generation. Logically, a large

               portion of assets are invested in the property and precious metal sector nowadays and should not be missing from asset portfolios in the future


               The loss of one’s own capital can be very painful and can cause one’s financial or family livelihood to be jeopardized.

               In addition to such a loss of capital, the loss of time, which

               should be treated equally, should also be considered; mostly

               this is more valuable than some assume.

               Nowadays, money can always be earned again, for some more

               and for some less, in various ways.

               But  lost  time  cannot  be  turned  back  or  regained  throughout

               the  rest  of  your  life. In  most  cases,  for  many  the  remaining

               period  of  their  life  is  not  sufficient  to  compensate  a  loss  of

               capital or assets that has occurred, let alone draw profits to be

               able  to  settle  the  goal  partly  sought  after  years  ago,  the

               subsequent  pension  security  or  protection  against  other


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