Page 2 - Puppy Sheet
P. 2

Sydney Toy Poodles

                         Firstly, congratulations on your new fur baby!

                 Here is our puppy advice, recommendations & a few things you
                        need to purchase prior to bringing your puppy home.

                The brands we mention below arerecommendations,you are free
                           to purchase whatever you feel is best foryour dog.

                               If you have any questions let us know!

                                                 Puppy care

               - Prior to picking up your puppy purchase a puppy blanket.
               There are some cute cheap ones from Kmart

               - Keep this blanket in bed with you so it absorbs your scent,
               this will help reduce your new pup’s anxiety & get them used
               to the smell of its new owners.This little trick will help in the

               following weeks if you need to pop out for a bit & leave the
               pup alone. It also assists with bedtime for pup
               - When you pick up your puppy, don’t put thepuppy in a crate

               take that same blanket & introduce your scent.
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