Page 3 - Puppy Care Sheet
P. 3
When the puppy comes, please make sure you have food ready for them. Try
to steer away from processed dog foods & keep them on a rich micronutrient
diet. This will positively affect the
growth and colour of your pup’s coat condition & ensure for a happy healthy
puppy. Puppies must be fed 3 times a day.
What we have fed them & some options
- Cooked Chicken legs and wings with a little bit of rice & grated carrot. Place
in a pot with a little bit of water slow cook for about 20min wait for it to slightly
cool down take the meat off the bone for them. Try to not get them used to
hand feeding.
- Chicken feet is also a good alternative, usually found in your nearest butcher.
- Raw mince, beef, lamb or chicken (no pork),
- Any beef or lamb on the bone is also a good source of food as your dog can
chew on the meat and bone! You can ask your butcher for the bone off cuts.
This is a great way tostrengthen their teeth.
- Chicken or lamb heart slightly cooked is also a hit. You can usually find this
at your closest supermarket
- Dry food should be constantly available. Blackhawk lamb and rice in 20kg
bag is a good option. Royal canine is also a good brand for dry food.
Alternating with different brands which are high in nutrition to see which dry
biscuit your dog prefers is also recommended.
- Also make sure the puppy has puppy milk alongside their water up until they
are 6 months old.
Please take note – never feed your Poodle processed with artificial colourings
and preservatives!
Even if it claims to improve the colour of their hair! This is highly dangerous
and can cause severe allergic reactions.