Page 6 - Rolling Stone October 2016
P. 6
Page 6
October, 2016
Buddy Singing in the Rain?
By Steven Turner Walker Mortuary
Did you know that Illinois has had the wettest July and August on record with a whopping 13.74 inches? To add to that...because of the high humidity levels the nights were unable to cool off, which in turn resulted with temperatures being 3 to 5 degrees above normal. Don’t worry, you’re not reading the Weather Channel, I just thought I would start off with this interesting tidbit, because even though I am becoming more and more tired of this humidity, my pal Buddy seems to frolic and revel in it.
I looked out of the condensation covered window and saw Buddy eating his nuts and flicking his tail. He doesn’t seem to mind the extra moist air. Maybe he thinks it’s his very own spa. Who knows, that squirrel thinks the world revolves around him as it is. I didn’t think squirrels liked to get wet, but when it started raining, there he was, flicking his tail and letting the rain fall right on him. Of course he was eating and not too much can disturb his feasting sessions.
He continued eating, until his belly was full and then he surprised me. I thought sure he would dart for the nearest shelter to get out of the rain, but he sat there. Then I noticed he was squawking and carrying on with his little arms grooming his bushy tail. What in the world is he doing. Taking a shower? It was a hilarious sight to behold. Then he started twisting around and grooming other parts of his body and I thought he does remind me a bit of Gene Kelly when he was dancing and singing in the rain.
I mean, both are agile and acrobatic and entertaining, maybe I will start calling him Buddy Gene. Well, last month I discovered that squirrels like to laugh...of course depending on who tells the story. This month I have to admit that Buddy seems to be singing and dancing in the rain. I hope he is singing, “Rain Rain go away, come again another day”, It is just so wet, yikes! So singing, dancing, laughing....what next?! Believe me, as soon as I find out I will let you know.
Thanks for listening!
Our friend Steve Turner submitted this column before his untimely death on Sept. 28. In his honor and memory, we have decided to print his last article. We are saddened by this loss and will miss Steve. Thank you for your service to us and to all of northwest Illinois. Our deepest sympathy to your family and staff.
Thank you Bob and Sue Folgate for donating our new picnic table and umbrella.
We can now enjoy the beautiful weather outside.

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