Page 4 - Rolling Stone October 2016
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Page 4
October, 2016
New Varicosity Services Give Patients a Leg Up
When many people first notice their varicose and spider veins, it is a cosmetic frustration. Yet varicose veins can lead to debilitating leg cramping, swelling, and blood clots, among other complications. Varicose veins affect approximately 25 percent of women and 15 percent of men. FHN has responded to this health need and the new FHN Vein Center is now beginning care for patients at FHN Memorial Hospital.
“After seeing this need in our
community, we are excited to
provide patients with expert care
to relieve pain and offer long-
term solutions to venous diseases,” shares George Lester, BSN, CNOR, RNFA, and FHN Director of OB and Surgical Services.
Free screenings coming soon
The new services offered at the FHN Vein Center include endovenous thermal ablation, sclerotherapy, and laser ablation, among others. All procedures are performed on an outpatient basis with typically rapid recovery. With coverage from most insurance, including Medicare and Medicaid, healthier veins are within reach. While the clinic is set to open mid-fall, upcoming free screenings can tell you whether you’re a candidate for these procedures. Watch for more information on screenings, which will be announced soon.
“There are several risk factors for venous disease. Anyone on their feet for the majority of the day, like nurses or construction workers, is at higher risk. There are also genetic components. If you are experiencing symptoms, it’s time to reach out to your doctor,” says Lester.
Cont. on page 8, Leg
THE ISSUE- The annual Medicare Open Enrollment period begins in 10 days. Medicare recipients are eligible to compare and enroll in one of the plans that will be available in this market in 2017. Mark your calendar- the open enrollment dates are October 15 to December 7.
I like to think about this as a "game" where you get the final turn. OK, it's not really a game, but it works as an analogy!
PRE-GAME- Insurance companies have been working hard all summer trying to figure out how to price their products, which will allow them to retain and attract customers. Actuaries are involved and pricing agreements with pharmaceutical companies are part of the mix. Pricing is a tricky business. The folks who offer drug plans have to meet strict Medicare standards and still eke out an acceptable profit. Getting this part right is critical to their success in this rapidly growing market. Their task is to have everything in place and Medicare approved by sometime in September.
FIRST MOVE- 2017 Drug Plan information should be available around October 1. If you are already in a plan, they are required to send you a notice of plan changes before October 1st. Review your change notice carefully as it may contain information on new premiums and deductibles, as well as drug availability and even drug tier changes. All of these changes can impact your bottom line costs.
Please note that you will have this information at least 14 days ahead of Open Enrollment in case you want to go "shopping" for a new plan. The Drug Plan has showed its cards- now it is your move!
YOUR TURN- In many games, the player who plays last has some advantages- in this case it's knowledge. You have 14 days (Oct. 1-14) plus 7 1/2 weeks (Open Enrollment) to make your move. Options are staying with your current plan for another year or switching to a new plan that better suits your needs. IMPORTANT- there are no barriers to switching plans during the Open Enrollment period (spoiler alert: we can make this pretty easy at the Senior Resource Center).
Cont. on page 11, Medicare
Check us out online at
We are excited to announce that our new web page is up and running. We want to thank the Freeport Community Foundation for the grant to provide a state of the art webpage. This webpage will allow seniors, and caregivers to find out what services we offer, read our Rolling Stone online, see upcoming activities, ask questions, see what volunteer openings we offer and donate online.

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