Page 8 - June Rolling Stone
P. 8
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Cats and Trees
if You Please
Tree Tales By Vonnie Maple
I have a different reason for recognizing that spring has sprung. Let me explain...I recently rescued yet another aban- doned cat from an uncaring family that just left her behind when they moved out. There is never a good reason for doing that and I have no tolerance for it. It would be better to open the door and let the poor thing go free then just shut the door on it and leave, so of course I stepped in. I cannot turn my back on any suffering...there is always something that can be done, even just a phone call to someone is better than abandoning it inside a building.
Anyway, I now have a small, beautiful, loving tortoise shell kitty that I named Charlotte and my other felines have accept- ed her as part of their clan. Did you know the official name of a group of cats is called a “clowder” or a “glaring”! Well, 2 weeks ago she entered into woman hood and boy does she have some vocal cords on her. I thought I would go crazy lis- tening to all the caterwauling and of course I felt sorry for her. Today she went to the animal doctor to get “fixed”. They keep the females overnight for observation and I can hardly wait to get her back in the morning. I miss her. I’ve already called the office to see how she is doing and they assured me she is fine...sleeping soundly on her little purple blanket that I sent along with her.
All this made me start thinking of how spring affects differ- ent species of life. I’ve seen how cats are and I think most ani- mals do become more “affectionate” during the spring months. Even the little insects and birds and oh the squirrels, what fun they have romping through the trees, flirting with the other squirrels and flitting here and there. However, I started thinking, “What about the trees?”
I share my yard with a huge Silver Maple Tree and over the years that we have lived together, I have observed how this tree acts in spring. First it gets tiny little fuzzy buds that fall everywhere and I must sweep them off the sidewalk every day. They stick to my shoes and no matter how careful I am, they end up all over the house. Soon after the fuzz balls there appear little green helicopters. Any child that had a maple tree
Cont. on page 12, Trees

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