Page 2 - Product Catalogue 2021 A4 ENG
P. 2

Τα οφέλη των
       2           μανιταριών

                 IN HUMAN HEALTH


                       Ganoderma:  Lingzhi (Ganoderma lucidum), also recog-
                       nized  as  ‘Reishi  mushroom’,  known  to  provide  proven
                       health benefits. Since ancient times Lingzhi was revered
                       as  nature’s  most  powerful  and  beneficial  herb.  In  the
                       past Lingzhi was one of the rarest herbs on earth and
                       was reserved only for emperors and royalty.


                                                                  Spirulina: Get the major nutrients for your body
                                                                  for optimum performance in a tablet. Rep-
                                                                  resents a biomass of cyanobacteria (blue-green
                                                                  algae) that can be consumed by humans and
                                                                  other animals. It is 100% alkaline and is rich in
                                                                  protein, beta carotene, chlorophyll, vitamins.

                               C                                                      S

          Cordyceps: It helps the functionality of the upper
          respiratory tract and the natural defenses of the
          organism and it supports the action metabolic. Let
          the life energy flow!

          Morinzhi: Morinzhi is a botanical beverage specially formulated
          from Morinda citrifolia and is enriched with Roselle. Morinda
          citrifolia (Noni) has been traditionally used among folks in the   Μ
          South Pacific region.
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