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Our Ambassadors

          Top Celebrities and Influencer’s From Coast-to-Coast!

                    Dr Decks                            The Brolaws                    Wes Kane & Vanilla Ice

          Award winning deck design-            HGTV Celebrity Builders              Celebrity Builders and TV
          er and builder. Known for his         from shows like Decked Out           Personalities from the hit
          curved and manipulation of            and Disaster Decks have              show “The Vanilla Ice Proj-
          building materials to create          worked hard both on and              ect”. This duo pushes design
          living works of art.                  off screen to make people’s          out of the box with their
                                                dream renovations a reality.         innovative builds.

                                   Chris Palmer                      Candace Gommels

                            Master carpenter and builder.         Turning devastation into
                            Chris will show you how to            inspiration on the “My Old
                            bring form and function to            Red Barn” project, Candace
                            all projects while making the         continues to influence and mo-
                            most out of any space.                tivate females in the industry to
                                                                  pick up tools and start building.
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