Page 48 - 202503 #733
P. 48
48th Taipei International Salon of Photography 2024 ୋ̬ɤɞ̨֣̏ყᙲᅂӍᎲ
І್ଡ଼ Nature Section 1
AC ɝ፯ AC ɝ፯
Bird fight 4 Dancing on the water
Chen, Teng kuei ೮൮ Chung, Benny
Taiwan ̨ᝄ Canada ̋ࣅɽ
AC ɝ፯ AC ɝ፯
Crane crowing Frosty water rail
Gui, Yangao ࣭৷ Hayton, Ruth
China ʕ Scotland ᘽࣸᚆ
AC ɝ፯ AC ɝ፯
A warm sunset Aurora-lofoty_2
Lewandowski, Grzegorz Nega, Michal
Poland تᚆ Czech Republic ઠдձ