Page 6 - Wine Society 2021 Winter
P. 6

RED WINES                                               RED WINES

         2018 BRIGALDARA, CASE VECIE                             2018 GRATAVINUM, 2ΠR, PRIORAT, SPAIN
         VALPOLICELLA SUPERIORE VENETO, ITALY                    A blend of Grenache and Carignan with touches of Syrah
         The Brigaldara winery is located just outside the town of   and Cabernet Sauvignon from the Spanish region of Prio-
         San  Floriano,  in  the  heart  of  the  Valpolicella  region,   rat.  This  is  a  big  and  warming  full  bodied  wine  that
         north of Verona. It is at the entrance of the Marano val-  somehow has retained its freshness and is lighter on the
         ley, one of the four valleys that make up Valpolicella’s   palate than one would expect. Ripe fruits like black cher-
         classical  area. This  wine  has  vibrant  aromas  of  redcur-  ry  and  currant  dominate  the  nose  and  palate  and  are
         rant, blackberry, and candied violet on the nose. Quite   complimented with hints of cocoa and smoke.
         juicy  on  the  palate,  with  red  berries,  floral  notes,  and   Pairing: Cassoulet, beef roast with mushrooms and
         just  a  touch of  spice.  This  is a  quaffable and  fresh  red   braised lamb shoulder.
         that should be enjoyed slightly chilled.                                          750 ml | case of 6 | $240.00
         Pairing: Roast chicken and charcuterie.                                                    20 cases available
                                 750 ml | case of 12 | $265.00          Ready to drink now, can be cellared for 3-5 years
                                            20 cases available
                     Ready to drink now, can cellar for 2-3 years   2019 RENÉ BOUVIER, LE CHAPÎTRE SUIVANT
                                                                 BOURGOGNE, FRANCE
         2017 TASCA D'ALMERITA, REGALEALI CYGNUS                 ‘Chapître  Suivant’  is  sourced  from  wines  located  in  4
         SICILY, ITALY DOC                                       different  villages  in  the  Côtes  de  Nuits:  Gevrey-
                                                                 Chambertin,  Chambolle-Musigny,  Marsannay,  and  Fixin.
         This wine is a blend of Nero d’Avola and Cabernet Sauvi-
         gnon hailing from the island of Sicily. The unique blend   The array of villages allows this wine to truly express the
         brings a great mix of spiciness and freshness to the wine.   essence  of  the  Côtes  de  Nuits.  Bright  red  fruits  with
         Ripe plum, black cherry, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and es-  touches  of  spice  and  purple  flowers.  The  wine  has
         presso are some of the flavours and notes you’ll find in   enough fruit and youth to be enjoyed now and enough
         this  medium  to  full  bodied  Italian  red.  James  Suckling   body  and  strength  to  lay  down  in  the  cellar  for  a  few
         himself has even given the wine his stamp of approval   years.
         with a 91 point rating.                                 Pairing: Braised veal and duck confit.
         Pairing: Schnitzel and seafood risotto.                                         750 ml | case of 12 | $385.00
                                  750 ml | case of 6 | $195.00                                      20 cases available
                                            12 cases available               Ready to drink now, can cellar for 3-5 years
                                          Ready to drink now
         2018 DONATELLA COLOMBINI                                2017 CHÂTEAU LE PUY, EMILIEN
         Rosso  di  Montalcino  also  known  as  Brunello’s  little  si-  A classic right bank Bordeaux blend dominated by Mer-
         bling. This wine comes from the same region as Brunello   lot. A vibrant ruby red in the glass. The first scents are
         in the beautiful Tuscan region of Montalcino and is also   dominated by fruit. Blackberries, currants, and raspber-
         crafted  from  the  same  Sangiovese  grape.  The  biggest   ries.  In  the  back  we  detect  typical  Bordeaux  aromas  of
         difference  here  is  that  it’s  a  lighter  style  of  wine.  It   clove,  bay  leaf,  and  new  leather.  The  palate  offers  the
         spends  less  time  ageing  and  fermenting  resulting  in  a   same ripe fruits wrapped in a blanket of velvety tannins.
         brighter  and  lighter  style.  Full  of  fresh  cherries  and   A fantastic wine for those chilly winter nights both now
         strawberries with hints of purple flowers and mocha this   and for at least a decade to come.
         wine over delivers on many levels.                      Pairing: Braised veal and duck confit.
         Pairing: Risotto, grilled vegetables and cured meats.                           750 ml | case of 12 | $460.00
                                  750 ml | case of 6 | $265.00                                      20 cases available
                                            20 cases available             Ready to drink now, can cellar for 10-15 years
                Ready to drink now, can be cellared for 3-5 years
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