Page 3 - neoprocollagenserisi
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Which one is for you?

  NEOPRO COLLAGEN PLUS,  n add t on to meet ng the ent re   NEOPRO COLLAGEN PLUS LIQUID, prov des all the support   NEOPRO COLLAGEN NAZO, w th hydrolyzed f sh collagen,
  amount of collagen you need da ly, conta ns ant ox dants,  you need da ly w th ant ox dant, v tam n and m neral support w th   wh le prov d ng the collagen support  t needs; It completes
  wh le support ng the  mmune system w th m nerals and     ts del c ous ready-to-dr nk l qu d forms conta n ng 5000 mg of   your beauty from the  ns de out w th v tam n c, hyaluron c ac d,
  v tam ns;  t makes your sk n look smooth, br ght and l vely.   hydrolyzed f sh collagen. It supports the healthy structure   z nc and b ot n.
  It supports your ha r and na l health. You do not need to use   of the sk n from the  ns de, mak ng  t health er,  ex ble, br ght
  any other supplement wh le us ng Neopro Collagen PLUS.  and fresh. It strengthens your  mmune system.            Your beauty support  s w th you every day!
           ACTIVE                SACHET (mg)                       ACTIVE                 Flacon (mg)                       ACTIVE                 TABLET (mg)
           Hydrolyzed Fish Collagen  5500 mg                       Hydrolyzed Fish Collagen  5000 mg                        Hydrolyzed Fish Collagen  375 mg
           Vitamin C                180 mg                         Vitamin C                30 mg                           Vitamin C                220 mg
           Alfa Lipoic Acid          35 mg                         Hyaluronic Acid          20 mg                           Hyaluronic Acid          70 mg
           Resveratrol               30 mg                         Vitamin E               20 mg   -TE                      Vitamin E                15 mg
           Glutathione               25 mg                         Zinc                     15 mg                           Zinc                    1250 mcg
           Hyaluronic Acid           20 mg                         Resveratrol              15 mg
           Vitamin E               20 mg   -TE                     Glutathion               10 mg
           Coenzime Q10              10 mg                         Coenzime Q10              5 mg
           Zinc                      10 mg                         Vitamin B2               1,10 mg
           Vitamin A              1000 mcg RE                      Vitamin B6               1,10 mg
           Biotin                   1250 mcg                       Selenium                 50 mcg
           Copper                   1000 mcg                       Vitamin D3               12,50 mcg
           Selenium                  60 mcg                        Biotin                   12,50 mcg

   USAGE: For  nd v duals aged 18 and over, once a day  n the   USAGE: by  nd v duals aged 18 and over per day.       USAGE: by  nd v duals aged 18 and over per day.
   morn ng. It  s recommended to consume w th 200 ml of water, ,  It  s recommended to consume 1 v al.                It  s recommended to consume 1 tablet.
   preferably on a full stomach.
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