Page 9 - SARVMANTRA.cdr
P. 9

fon~;k dk HkaMkj gSa tgka               MY LIFE IS MY GIFT
                                                   Because  I  have  wonderful
             blls csgrj txg gSa dgka
                                                   parents',  Amazing  teacher's
             Kku dh ;gkWa deh ugha
                                                   Best school , beautiful garden,
             xq# dk gSa vk'khZokn ;gkWa
                                                   so we have appreciate our life

                                                   thanks  god  for  every  thing.

                                                                                         Kaveri dahare
                                                                                          Class- IV - C

                                                                     MY LIFE IS A GIFT
                                                   Life is a night all dark and wild
                 Anshika Raikwar
                    Class- III - D                 Yet still star shine
                                                   Life is a desert dry and. drear
                                                   Undewed unblest;
                                                   This hour is an. oasis,dear;

           :I am happy, calm and content           Her let us rest.
                                                   Life is a sea of windy spray.
           I'm happy for what I have
                                                   Cold,fierce and free:
           I do yoga for being calm
                                                   An isle enchanted is to day
           I'd be content with a warm              For you and me.

           meal and a clean place to sleep.        Forget night,sea and desert:take
                                                   The gift supreme,
                                                   And of life's brief relenting, make

                                                   A deathless dream.

                                                                                       Kavya Manjhi
                                                                                        Class- IV - A
                   Navya Bhatia
                     Class- V - B
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