P. 11
Happiness is a choice...........
happiness is a choice. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy.
Life, small words with many meanings.. life is not just counting your days on this earth,
but to persue your goals, aims, dreams, and top most happiness. If your are doing
something and you are not happy about it stop chasing that.
According to mahavir jain and Gautam Buddha everything is a myth of life, in the end a
person want to be happy.. and this doest mean that go to meditate in himalayas, or leave
your famiy, its about feeling every second of ur life with the fullest. Everything in this
life have a meaning just understand it and go with the flow, Happy people are not held
hostage by their circumstances, and they do not seek happiness in people or wealth.
Happiness is a gesture and attitude of life persue it and feel the change.
Here are some ways to choose happiness today:
#Count your blessings.
Happy people prefer to focus on the positive aspects of life instead of negativity. They
make up their minds to be grateful for a specific reason. Express it whenever possible.
And they quickly find out that they are always, always, grateful for something.
#Carrying a smile.
A smile is a wonderful beautifier. But more than that, studies suggest that creating a face
full of emotion affects the emotions processed by the brain. Our expression can affect
our brain in the same way that our brain affects our face. In other words, you can
program yourself to experience happiness by choosing to laugh. Not to mention, all the
beautiful smiles you receive in return for filling you with happiness are also guaranteed
to increase your level of happiness.
#Wake up to your terms.
Most of us have alarm clocks programmed because of the expectations of others: the
workplace, the school, or the waking child. That probably will not change. But that does
not mean we have to lose control of our mornings in the process. Wake up early in a little
while and establish an empowering, meaningful, morning routine. Start each day on
your terms. The next 23 hours will be thankful for that.