P. 21
I am grateful to have a healthy body
- Amazing facts -
* Your ears never stop growing.
* Your eyes blink around 20 times a minute.
* The body has 2.5 million sweat forces
* Your fingernails grow four times of your foot nail
* Teeth are considered as a part of skeleton system but are not
counted as bones.
* Every second our body produces 25 million new cells
* Infants are born with approximately 300 bones, but at the Yugank Bhati
time of adulthood they only have 206 bones. Class - III - B
* We don't know why we yawn.
* All humans are +99% identical.
School is my second home
The school is my second home, the teachers are my second
mothers. My school is a temple for me. My school teaches me
moral values, my teachers help me learn the things. I need to
learn to become a responsible citizen of the country. Just like my
mother who is teaching me to always do good and strive for
excellence, my teachers are doing the same.
In my family, I have an elder brother. At school, I have lots
and lots of brothers and sisters, they are my classmates, they
make me happy, we play together. My school gives me lots of
Nehal Jain opportunities to be good and do what is good. My teachers are
Class - II - A
loving and caring like my mom due to them I am learning
I will always cherish every moment in my school life.
I love my school and one day, I will make my school proud.
I spend an insane amount of time wondering if I'm doing it
right. At some point just remind myself that I'm doing my best.
That is enough. "People have a problem with me Being Different,
But That propels me forward In life" I will find It Before The
public find it.
Amay Choudhary
Class- VII - D