Page 23 - Retail Product Guide
P. 23

Storage and Transport

                                                                              Queen Mary’s are the workhorses of food
                          Z40P382CLPL: (CAS858-8-CERT)                        service  operations.  These  versatile  trans-
                          Medium/heavy duty caster with zinc plated, lacquer   port trucks are ideal for transport of dishes,
                          dipped yoke. 4” X 4 1/2” swivel plate mount. 1/2”   serving ware, trays, or just about anything
                          Quad X precision bearing and 1/2” axle.             that needs moving for food service.
                          Fits: ()
                                                                              Queen Mary carts are fitted with a combi-
                          Z42P382CLPL: (CAS859-8-CERT)                        nation of rigid and swivel plate casters de-
                          Medium/heavy duty rigid caster with zinc plated, lac-  pending on the manufacturer.
                          quer dipped steel yoke. 4” X 4 1/2” plate mount, 1/2”
                          Quad X  precision bearing and 1/2” axle and nut.    Polyurethane wheels allow for smooth,
                          Fits: (NA, NC, WH, KM)                              easy rolling of heavily loaded carts.

                          WC4082LP: (W-853-8)
                          8” X 2” Blue on tan TPU A98 crown tread medium/
                          heavy duty wheel. Polypropylene hub and 1/2” ball
                          Fits: (WH, NA, KM, NC)

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