Page 17 - PH_2019_working
P. 17


                                                                     Common Applications:

                                                                     •Dolly Carts
                                                                     •Dolly Carts

                                                                     •Dolly Carts
                                                                     •Dolly Carts

                                                                     •Dolly Carts
                                                                     •Dolly Carts

                           02 Series
                           Designed for Light Duty Industrial or
                           Institutional Applications

                                  02 Seres Institutional                 02 Seres Institutional
                                  Capacity to 350 ........ 20-21         Capacity to 350 ........ 20-21

                      Premium Light duty Casters That may interest you...

                       LIGHT DUTY PRECISION
                                 Lorem Ipsum is simply
                                 dummy text of the printing
                                 and typesetting industry.      LIGHT DUTY PRECISION
                                 Lorem Ipsum has been the                  Lorem Ipsum is simply
                                 industry’s standard dummy                 dummy text of the printing
                                 text ever since the 1500s,                and typesetting industry.
                                 when an unknown prin (see                 Lorem Ipsum has been the
                                 page 22).                                 industry’s standard dummy
                                                                           text ever since the 1500s,
                                                                           when an unknown prin (see
                                                                           page 22).

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