Page 58 - Melissa Directory
P. 58
Calendar of Events
Quarterly Multi-Chamber open to all Chamber Members and their
Networking Luncheons guest. Special promotion opportunities
The Melissa Area Chamber of Commerce are available. Call 903-227-4538 for more
holds Quarterly Luncheons in conjunction information.
with The Anna Chamber, Van Alstyne, and
Howe Chamber from 11:30am to 1pm. Celebration of Freedom
This is a great chance to network and get The Melissa Area Chamber of Commerce’s
your business and products promoted to lots biggest event of the year is the Annual
of other business people and visitors. The Celebration of Freedom where we celebrate
luncheons are normally held at Hurricane our Freedom and honor our Veterans. The
Creek Country Club in Anna and include event features Vendor booths, Children’s
a great lunch along with the networking. Play Area, live Music, and a fabulous display
These are held the 3rd Tuesday in March, of Fireworks. The event is attended by
May, August, and November. thousands and is a great opportunity to
meet new folks and promote your business
Melissa Farmer’s Market or sell your products. The event is held the
Local Farmers, and Crafters gather at last Saturday in June each year.
Melissa City Hall to sell their products on
the 2nd & 4th Saturday of each month from Annual Melissa Christmas Parade
March thru October from 9am to Noon. & Pre-Parade Activities
Call Lorelei Perkins at 972-837-4540 for The Melissa Area Chamber of Commerce
information about a booth or the event. holds there Annual Christmas Parade on
the first Saturday in December each year
Melissa Area Chamber of Commerce at 6pm. An array of beautiful floats, bands
Annual Banquet and marching units appear each year in the
The Melissa Area Chamber of Commerce Parade. Prior to the Parade, the Chamber
holds their Annual Banquet on the 3rd host a Pre-Parade activity that includes
Saturday of April each year. This is a booths by the Melissa ISD Art Department
Celebration of the past Chamber year. It where children can make their own
features great Networking, information Christmas Decorations or Presents. Booths
about the past year, a Silent Auction, are also available for vendors to sell their
Entertainment, and a fabulous meal. It wares or promote their business. The Pre-
will be held this year on April 21, 2018 Parade Activities begin at 2pm in the High
at Hurricane Creek Country Club. It is School Cafeteria.v
56 © 2018 Melissa Area Chamber of Commerce