Page 8 - May 2021 Newsletter
P. 8
Thought I forgot to change the
title of the article, didn’t ya? Sally Munoz
Well, I didn’t. In case you ha- Sally Munoz was born in Fort
ven’t been able to keep up Worth and has lived in this
lately, we now have 3 new cus- area her entire life. She has
tomer service representatives. one son and a stepdaughter
This newsletter, we’ll be spot- and two grandsons.
lighting Sally Munoz but we
wanted to be sure and make The grandson that arrived
mention of: a few weeks ago on April
21st-Greyson Judah Henry, is
Rebecca Riddel, is currently picured below with his Grand-
handling all of the Walmart mother (that’s Sally for those Photo: Sally Munoz
activity, and... who didn’t recognize her with
the mask on)...
--Cecilia Dominguez
Sally says that she started
We’ll be happy to share some- working when she was 5 and
thing about these two new has 3 jobs before she even got
P&H teammembers in future to High School! She worked
issues. at her dad’s grocery stores, at
a snow cone stand and de-
In the meantime, please join us livered newspaper (yes, they
in saying “Welcome to P&H” to used to physically put a rolled
Sally, Rebecca and Cecillia. up cylinder of paper on your
She was a nanny in High
School, which was good train-
ing for her current role as a Photo: Sally Munoz
Grandma, and studied as a
paralegal, worked at a law firm • Nike
and worked at her stepdad’s • Orvis
grocery store: The Famous • The Beretta Co
Court House Market in down- • Mountain Khakis
town Fort Worth. • Sportif
• MacGregor Golf
After a stint at a bank, Sal- • Mossy Oak Hunting Apparel
ly went it the Import/Export • Medsafe
business, specializing in the • Red Wing
import of apparel for a variety • Justin Apparel
of companies, including: