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        SERIES 26/27

        MEDIUM DUTY INDUSTRIAL LINE                                                              Registered Products

        The P&H Series 26/27 product line includes both        BENEFITS
        swivel and rigid plate casters in a choice of two
        wheel materials, three plate sizes and four brake         • Sealed upper raceways
        options.                                                  • Heat treated yokes
                                                                  • Premium 72 hour zinc plating
        This series is designed with a higher mount height        • QuadX dual precision bearings
        than the rest of our 20 Series products, which
        makes it an easy choice for replacement casters for
        a wide range of equipment.                             APPLICATIONS

        With load capacities ranging from 180 up to 425           • food service            • gravity conveyors
        pounds, this line of products is suitable for many        • display racks           • hospitality
        different types of applications and operating con-        • material handling       • institutional
        ditions.                                                  • retail racks            • sports equipment

        WHEEL MATERIALS                                        BRAKES

         Thermoplastic Rubber (TPR)                            The P&H Series 26/27 product line is available with
                                                               several brake options:

         Themoplastic Rubber (TPR) is a better alterna-
         tive than standard rubber wheels. This material is
         easy on floors, non-marking, quiet and resistant to
         chemicals and oils.
         It is a great choice for wet or wash down applica-
         tions such as food service operations.

          Polyurethane (TPU)
                                                               Side Brake: Restricts the   Top Lock Brake: Restricts
         Polyurethane delivers a smooth, soft ride in a        forward motion of the       the forward motion of the
         non-marking wheel with many tread profile op-         wheel from the side.        wheel from the top.
         tions. Polyurethane wheels offer a durable, high
         load capacity wheel option. This material resists
         long periods of standing and is also resistant to oil,
         grease and solvents.


        The P&H 26/27 Series are all equipped with either
        our patented Quad X dual precision bearings.
                                                              Directional Lock Brake:      Total Lock Brake:
                                                              Restricts the swivel         Restricts all motion of the
        Precision bearings can handle both thrust and ra-     motion of the caster. 0°     wheel and the swivel of
        dial loads, are easy rolling with quieter operations   and 180° position aligned  the caster.
        and do not require lubrication.                       with longest side of plate.

             1016 W Harris Rd          800 354 8622         
             Arlington TX 76001
        6  COMPANY - Products Catalogue

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