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Swivel & Rigid
SERIES SERIES LIGHT Load capacity up to 150 LBS
Our Series 10 Light Duty caster line is ideal for DUTY EXPANDABLE STEM
lighter load capacities under 200 lbs. This highly
functional, economical workhorse product line is
employed in a wide range of applications that include Our Light Duty Expandable Stem Casters can be adapted
janitorial, hospitality, institutional and food service. to fit a wide range of equipment. Ideal for load capacities
under 200 lbs. these casters typically feature smaller
diameter wheels and are used for minimal movement
Our light duty line features high grade, non-marking applications.
wheels, single ball swivel raceways and optional
brakes. Wheels in either durable Polypropylene or
quiet rolling, soft riding Thermoplastic Rubber (TPR) Bearing Durometer
are available in several sizes to suit a variety of Plain with bushing D70, D90
applications. Axle Operating Temp
5/16” -30°F TO 140°F
These materials are easy on floors, non-marking Caster Finish Wheel Type
and resistant to chemicals and oils which make them Zinc Plated Steel Polypropylene
ideal for wet or wash down applications such as
janitorial equipment and food service operations.
Series 10 | Expandable Stem Light Duty Casters | Polypropylene
Wheel Tread Overall Load Attachment Attachment
Swivel Caster Diameter Width Height Capacity Type Size Wheel Color
Options Z10X231ABCD 1” 3 7/8” 100 LBS Expandable Stem 0.716” Black
Z10X231ABCE 1” 3 7/8” 100 LBS Expandable Stem 0.846” Black
Z10X231ABCEB 3” 1” 3 7/8” 100 LBS Expandable Stem 0.846” Black
R Some models offer side lock brakes Z10X331ABCD 1” 3 7/8” 100 LBS Expandable 0.716” Black
R Attachments include plates, round stem, square Z10X331ABCEB 1” 3 7/8” 100 LBS Expandable 0.716” Black
stem, friction stem Z10X344ABCD 4” 11/4” 4 7/8” 150 LBS Expandable 0.716” Black
R 2”, 3”, 4” and 5” wheels in several wheel materials
and tread profiles Wheel Options APPLICATIONS
R Attachments are designed to fit existing equipment
Available with 3" and 4" wheels. R Drum dollies R Parts carts R Janitorial equipment
R Ingredient bins R Display racks R Dish trucks
R Lab equipment R Garment racks R Office equipment
// W01031B9 // WO1044B95S
Light duty or institutional casters are an excellent R Expandable
Stem available in
choice for office and light industrial use in food Brake Option several sizes
service, healthcare, office and janitorial applications. R Economical and
Ingredient bins Library book carts
R R R Great choice for
R Display racks R Office equipment Available with side a wide range of
brake option.
R Garment racks R Distribution carts R Reliable
800 354 8622 • // 19
18 // • 800 354 8622