Page 75 - PC_v5_Neat
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P&H’s long history with the Polyurethane Our years of experience in the industry have
shopping cart wheel has led to the led us to develop products for almost any
development of specialized products that retail application imaginable. Our shopping
address the unique challenges found in cart casters have become the standard for
the retail industry. Our Series 30 shopping much of the US retail market. Our Series
cartcasters and wheels are designed to 30 shopping cart casters and wheels
fit almost all carts of US manufacture are designed to fit almost all carts of US
and include products that are anti-static; manufacture.
products that are equipped with friction
bearings to automatically slow rolling
carts; products that will not develop flat Applications
spots that cause carts to wobble and other
specialized products like our travelator R Shopping Carts
wheels developed for multi-level retail R Specialty Shopping Equipment
environments. R Retail Carts and Racks
800 354 8622 • // 75
74 // • 800 354 8622