Page 9 - Heart Like A Wheel_Neat
P. 9

FORWARDMOTION                                                                    Just Fun

           LUV NAUSEUM                        COPY/PASTE :-)

                                              There are only two times I want to
        Unless you’ve been married so                   be with you:
        short a time that you’re still talking
        baby talk to each other (don’t say           Now and Forever.
        you never did that, pumpkin), at
        least several Valentine’s Days have   Everytime I look at the keyboard,
        come and gone.                        I see that U and I are always to-
        Valentine’s Day can be worse than
        your wedding anniversary. Depend-     (for an IT person)
        ing on your financial circumstances,                                      Saying how much I love you is like
        the expectations from your beloved                                        trying to explain how water tastes.
        for an expensive gift may not exist,    I HAVE SEEN THE BEST OF
        but some expression of your ongo-       YOU AND THE WORST OF
        ing love and devotion is more than                  YOU.
        likely expected, no matter what they      AND I CHOOSE BOTH.
        may say. Um hmmm...

        The pressure is in finding a unique            I LOVE YOU
        approach to showing and/or telling          More than yesterday.
        your heart’s delight just how much          And that’s how I feel
        you adore them. Still.                         EVERY DAY.                  You wanna know who i’m in love
        The absolute minimum bar for         There are many things I woul d like      Read the first word again.
        Valentine’s Day is some sort of                 to say to you.
        written expression of your feelings.                                                  I WOULD
        One that you write yourself, possi-         But I don’t know how.
        bly alongside whatever the printed                                                   FIND YOU
        message is inside the card you       Love says: “I’ve seen the ugly parts              IN ANY
        bought at CVS on the way home        of you, and I’m staying.”                        LIFETIME.
        from work says.                                                           Be careful with this one--Kanye sent it to Kim.

        So, if you’re there--jeez I hope you
        have a pen in the car. It’s really a
        lot better if you look like you actu-
        ally thought about this at least like,
        yesterday and you can’t think of
        a single thing to jot inside, we’ve
        compiled a few that are a little more
        unique than “I’m so glad you hap-
        pened to me” (barf).

        Make sure the pen writes before
        you leave the office. :-) <3

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