Page 10 - Going Circular_Final print
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             Easy rolling, durable, injection molded Polyurethane   This versatile material is non-marking, non-
             is the ideal wheel material for such a wide range of   conductive and withstands grease, many chemicals
             applications that it is the predominant wheel type in   and solvents and abrasive wear.
             most of our product lines.
                                                                   Our Polyurethane wheel lines include wheels from
              With a higher load capacity for wheel size than      our Light duty, Medium duty, Industrial and Heavy
             many other wheel materials, this durable, long        duty product series.
             lived material delivers premium performance in a
             smooth, quiet riding wheel. Our Polyurethane wheels   Available in a wide range of wheel diameters, colors,
             are chemically bonded to a polypropylene, steel,      tread widths and bearing options.  Wheel profiles
             stainless steel or aluminum center.                   include crown, round, flat and donut treads to suit
                                                                   many types of application parameters.

           Product No.  Wheel    Tread   Tread   Bearing    Axle    Load   Durometer  Hub    Operating    Wheel Color
                     Diameter  Width  Profile                     Capacity           Width     Temp
                                            SERIES 40 - POLYURETHANE • MADE IN USA
           42-21XL-BG           2”     Flat      Plain Bore  1 3/16"  600 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Black/Gray
           42-21XL-BLW          2”     Flat      Plain Bore  1 3/16"  600 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Blue/White
           42-21XL-BW           2”     Flat      Plain Bore  1 3/16"  600 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Black/White
           42-21XL-GG   4"      2”     Flat      Plain Bore  1 3/16"  600 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Gray/Gray
           42-21XL-MW           2”     Flat      Plain Bore  1 3/16"  600 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Maroon/White
           42-21XT-GW           2”     Flat      Plain Bore  1 3/16"  600 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Gray On White
            52-21XL-BB          2”     Flat      Plain Bore  1 3/16"  850 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Black On Black
           52-21XL-BLW          2”     Flat      Plain Bore  1 3/16"  850 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Blue/White
           52-21XL-BW           2”     Flat      Plain Bore  1 3/16"  850 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Black/White
           52-21XL-DGG          2”     Flat      Plain Bore  1 3/16"  850 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Dark Gray/Gray
           52-21XT-MW   5"      2”     Flat      Plain Bore  1 3/16"  850 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Maroon/White
           52-231M-RB           2”     Round     Plain Bore  1 1/8"  825 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Red On Black
           52-231XL-RB          2”     Round     Plain Bore  1 3/16"  825 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Red On Black
           52-234C-RB           2”     Round      Delrin    1/2"   825 LBS  85-95A   2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Red On Black
           62-21XL-BLW          2”     Flat      Plain Bore  1 3/16"  900 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Blue/White
           62-21XL-BW           2”     Flat      Plain Bore  1 3/16"  900 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Black/White
           62-21XL-DGG          2”     Flat      Plain Bore  1 3/16"  900 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Dark Gray/Gray
           62-21XL-GB           2”     Flat      Plain Bore  1 3/16"  900 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Gray/Black
           62-21XL-GG   6"      2”     Flat      Plain Bore  1 3/16"  900 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Gray/Gray
           62-21XL-RB           2”     Flat      Plain Bore  1 3/16"  900 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Red On Black
           62-21XL-RW           2”     Flat      Plain Bore  1 3/16"  900 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Red/White
           62-231XT-RB          2”     Round     Plain Bore  1 3/16"  900 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Red On Black
           82-21XL-GW           2”     Flat      Plain Bore  1 3/16"  1000 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Gray On White
           82-21XL-MW           2”     Flat      Plain Bore  1 3/16"  1000 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Maroon/White
           82-21XL-RB   8"      2”     Flat      Plain Bore  1 3/16"  1000 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Red On Black
           82-21XL-RW           2”     Flat      Plain Bore  1 3/16"  1000 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Red/White
           82-233E-RB           2”     Round       Ball     3/4"   1075 LBS  85-95A  2 1/8”  -30° TO 180° F  Red On Black

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