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                                                     AFC Industries’ OEM Manu-                                                     Blickman /New Jersey

                                                     facturing Services /New York
                                                                                                                                   We are a medical equipment manufacturing company that has been
                                                     OEM products designed for you and your in-                                    providing the healthcare industry with groundbreaking stainless steel
                                                     dustry                                                                        and chrome solutions since 1889. Offering the highest quality medical
                                                                                                                                   equipment and services to acute care hospitals, primary care offic-
                                                     AFC Industries’ OEM Medical Computer Work-                                    es and surgery centers across the nation, we strive for excellence and
                                                     station carts enhance the productivity and                                    achieve greatness at reasonable and competitive rates. Forged from
                                                     efficiency of medical professionals in health-                                over 100 years of experience in mastering stainless steel medical equip-
                                                     care environments with highly comfortable                                     ment, our innovative products are renowned for their durability and
                                                     ergonomic designs which have user-friendly                                    optimal performance.
                                                     and functional features. Our OEM point of care
                                                     medical carts are equipped with useful state                                    Pioneers in our industry, our team of professionals works with you to
                                                     of the art adaptable components to assist                                     visualize, create and execute what you need with fully customizable
                                                     healthcare professionals to gain optimum                                      solutions. We provide the best products and services in our class so
                                                     convenience through ease of use and device                                    that you can focus on what matters most: caring for patients.                                      PROSPECTS

                                                     With over 25 years of ergonomic furniture                                                                                       Tables
                                                     manufacturing excellence, AFC Industries con-
                                                     tinues to lead the market by continuing to pro-

                      Computer Carts                 vide the highest-quality products that comply
                                                     with the demanding needs of every customer.

                                                 Mobile Desks

                                                                                                                                               Case Carts

                                                                                                                                                               Utility Carts

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