Page 28 - Going Circular_Final
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                                                                                THERMOPLASTIC RUBBER (TPR)
                                                                                              SMALL PLATE

                                Load capacity up to 250 LBS

            Wheel Options
           Wheels available in 3", 4" and 5"diameters.
                                                       R   Zinc plated lacquer dipped steel   R   A variety of possible options
                                                         yokes in both rigid and swivel   available with our wide range of
                                                         models.                       standard TPR wheels.
                                                       R   Side and Top Lock Brakes available   R   Reject floor debris
                                                         for all models.             R   Our patented Dual Precision and
             //  WN2634ED   //  WN2644ED               R   Soft, cushioned ride that's easy on   Quad X Precision Bearings
                                                         floors                      R   Stainless Steel Dual Precision
                                                       R   Resistant to chemicals, water and   Bearings also available.

             //  WN2054ED
                                                     TECHNICAL                              APPLICATIONS
            Brake Option
                                                                                            R   Food service equipment
                                                                                            R   Bakery equipment
                                                                                            R   Meat and produce carts
                             SIDE BRAKE
                             TOP LOCK BRAKE                                                 R   Pan and tray storage carts
                                                                                            R   Cooler carts
                             Side brakes and Top
                             Lock brakes available                                          R   Platter carts
                             for some models.                                               R   Wet produce carts
                                                                                            R   Enclosed cabinets
                                                                                            R   Baked goods display racks

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