Page 5 - Montrose Directory
P. 5
Message from the President
Welcome to the
Montrose area!
Our Chamber is YOUR Source
for all things Local.
by Julie Ann Martin, President Montrose-Verdugo City Chamber of Commerce
y name is Julie Ann Martin. I am trends is just the beginning of what we
Mhonored to have been your 2017 can do in our Chamber of Commerce.
Chamber of Commerce President. Participation on all parts will bring
everyone closer and the ability to help
I have lived in the Montrose area for one another.
the over 50 years! Can you tell I love
this town? I’m so excited to lead the I want to bring value to you as a member.
Board of Directors and to play such a Your thoughts and ideas are always
big part in this community. I am a full welcome. We have an open door policy
time Realtor with Dilbeck Real Estate, here. Questions or concerns can come
a full time mom to a teenage son and l up anytime and we are here to help.
love spending time with my family and Promoting businesses is just one way we
friends. I feel lucky to be in this quaint are able to help others succeed, highlight
town surrounded by these beautiful what you have to offer and bring you
Foothill and Verdugo mountains. Living more business.
here so long I have experience and see
myself as an authority with the real estate Please feel free to stop by the Chamber
market here in Montrose. offices to visit if you are in the
neighborhood. You can also e-mail me at
My vision for the year is Presence. I
am a believer that a strong presence
is essential when joining together in a Sincerely,
small community. We as a chamber work Julie Ann Martin,
together as a team to bring in new ideas, President
fun events, networking and business to Montrose-Verdugo City
our local shops and restaurants. Chamber of Commerce
Social media is one of our newest ways Call Julie Ann Martin, Montrose-Verdugo
to engage with the community and to City Chamber, President at (818) 249-7171
bring additional value to our chamber to inquire about your new business in the
members. Providing unique events, Montrose-Verdugo City area.v
business mixers and introducing new
© 2018 Montrose-Verdugo City Chamber of Commerce 3