Page 19 - PH Casters 2021 Catalog_052421
P. 19

Swivel & Rigid
                        LIGHT Load capacity up to 150 LBS

                        DUTY EXPANDABLE STEM

        Our Light Duty Expandable Stem Casters can be adapted
        to fit a wide range of equipment. Ideal for load capacities
        under 200 lbs. these casters typically feature smaller
        diameter wheels and are used for minimal movement

                 Bearing                Durometer
                 Plain with bushing     D70, D90

                 Axle                   Operating Temp
                 5/16”                  -30°F TO 140°F

                 Caster Finish          Wheel Type
                 Zinc Plated Steel      Polypropylene

                                Series 10 | Expandable Stem Light Duty Casters | Polypropylene

                          Wheel     Tread     Overall       Load         Attachment      Attachment
           Swivel Caster  Diameter  Width     Height      Capacity          Type            Size       Wheel Color
           Z10X231ABCD                1”       3 7/8”      100 LBS     Expandable Stem     0.716”        Black
           Z10X231ABCE                1”       3 7/8”      100 LBS     Expandable Stem     0.846”        Black
          Z10X231ABCEB      3”        1”       3 7/8”      100 LBS     Expandable Stem     0.846”        Black
           Z10X331ABCD                1”       3 7/8”      100 LBS       Expandable        0.716”        Black
          Z10X331ABCEB                1”       3 7/8”      100 LBS       Expandable        0.716”        Black
           Z10X344ABCD      4”       11/4”     4 7/8”      150 LBS       Expandable        0.716”        Black

          Wheel Options                        APPLICATIONS

        Available with 3" and 4" wheels.       R   Drum dollies      R   Parts carts       R   Janitorial equipment
                                               R   Ingredient bins   R   Display racks     R   Dish trucks
                                               R   Lab equipment     R   Garment racks     R   Office equipment

                                               FEATURES             TECHNICAL
           //  W01031B9   //  WO1044B95S
                                               R   Expandable
                                                 Stem available in
          Brake Option                           several sizes
                                               R   Economical and
                    SIDE BRAKE                 R   Great choice for
                    Available with side          a wide range of
                    brake option.
                                               R   Reliable

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