Page 98 - PH Casters 2021 Catalog_052421
P. 98

Swivel & Rigid
                                   Load capacity up to 1400 LBS MEDIUM/HEAVY                            SERIES

                                                                         PHENOLIC DUTY

            Wheel Options                             FEATURES                               APPLICATIONS

           Available with 4", 5", 6" and 8"wheels.    R   Impact Resistant                   R   Material Handling
                                                      R   Easy Rolling                       R   Loading Dock
                                                      R   High Tolerance for Chemicals and Moisture  R   Warehouse
                                                      R   Resists Debris Impregnation        R   Backroom Garden
                                                      R   High load capacity                 R   Center Food Service
                                                      R   Will not flatspot
             //  WL4042BN      //  WL4052BN           R   Non-sparking


             //  WL4062BN      //  WL4082BN

            Brake Option

                       SIDE BRAKE
                       Side Brakes available
                       for most models.

                       DIRECTIONAL LOCK
                       Ask us about our
                       Directional Lock Brakes.

        98  //  •  800 354 8622
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