P. 8

SAAT BIOLOGY                         MR.MOHAMED ELGAYAR                               MRPROF.NET

               •  Respiration: using lungs and it has a diaphragm

               •  Hair function: insulation, camouflage, sensory device.

               •  Mammary glands: produce and secrete milk that nourishes

                   developing young

               •  Movement: leap as kangaroos, swim as dolphins, fly as bats,

                   run as wolfs

               •  Reproduction: development of the embryo takes place in the

                   female  uterus.  Temperature,  Teeth,  four-chambered  heart,

                   have uterus & placenta & gestation

               •  Respiration: using lungs and it has a diaphragm

               •  Hair function: insulation, camouflage, sensory system.

               •  Mammary glands: produce and secrete milk that nourishes

                   developing young

               •  Movement: leap as kangaroos, swim as dolphins, fly as bats,

                   run as wolfs

               •  Reproduction: development of the embryo takes place in the

                   female uterus.

               MRPROF.NET                         MR.MOHAMED ELGAYAR           MRPROF.NET@GMAIL.COM
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