Page 16 - E-book Telling Time, Days, Dates and Months_VII SMP/MTS
P. 16
Cross (X) the letter a, b, c, or d on the correct answer! (Berilah tanda silang (X)
huruf a, b, c, atau d pada jawaban yang benar!)
1. How do we say if the clock shows 5:15?
a. “a half of five"
b. “five fifteen”
c. “five fifty”
d. (both a and b)
2. Today is Saturday. So tomorrow is…….
a. Monday
b. Tuesday
c. Sunday
d. Friday
3. How many days in a week?
a. Four
b. Three
c. Six
d. Seven
4. Which one is the correct expression to asking the time?
a. It is 04.30
b. What do you say?
c. What time is it?
d. How about clock?
5. Which one is the expression to telling dates and months?
a. Today is first December.
b. I know
c. It is desember
d. What date is it?
6. What is the word form of 28-06-2002?
a. Twenty-eight June two thousand and two
b. Twenty-first June two thousand and twenty-two
c. Twenty-eight of Jun two thousand and two
d. First June of two thousand and two
E-book Telling time, days, dates and months