P. 62

ANNEX D: Executive Signature SOPs

                    ANNEX D: Executive Signature SOPs
                    Requesting Senior Leadership Approval

                    Background: Executive Approval is required for; 1) Accounting, e.g.: Corporate Requests, Purchase
                    Requisitions (PRs), Business Expense Reports (BERs) and Travel Expense Reports (TERs) that exceed
                    the  predetermined  dollar  threshold,  2)  Contracts  &  Agreements,  e.g.:  all  Contract  Documents,
                    Modification of Contracts and Task Orders, and 3) Corporate Administration, e.g.: any other documents
                    requiring  the  approval  and  signature of the  Chief  Executive Officer  (CEO) and/or  Chief Operating
                    Officer (COO).
                    Process: Review and approval of the cited documents will adhere to the process delineated below:
                    The CEO or COO will only approve/sign the documents listed above on Mondays and Wednesdays of
                    each week. If either Monday or a Wednesday is a holiday and/or weekend, then there will be no
                    signatures on that date.
                          Exemptions will be made for any urgent requests via the CEO or COO Executive Assistant (EA).
                          All supporting documentation must be submitted with the request for approval/signature.

                    1.  Requests for approval/signature must be saved under the appropriate folders listed below by COB
                       Friday  for  Monday’s  approval/signature,  and  by  COB  Tuesday  for  Wednesday’s
                       approval/signature. Please submit the document to be signed and any accompanying, supporting
                       files to the appropriate folder:
                          "- Requests - Executive Approval\John\Accounting"
                          "- Requests - Executive Approval\John\Contracts & Agreements"
                          "- Requests - Executive Approval\Carlos"
                    2.  After approval/signature of the requested document, the COO AND/OR CEO’s EA will email back
                       to the requestor the requested document for your appropriate action.
                    3.  If any document needs adjustments prior to approval/signature, the COO AND/OR CEO’s EA will
                       inform the requestor of the required corrective action. Once corrected, the forms will start the
                       process over at step 1.
                    4.  Once Approved, a copy of the signed document will be saved to the appropriate archived folders:

                          "-Requests - Archive\Accounting"
                          "-Requests - Archive\Contracts & Agreements"
                          "- Requests - Archive\Corporate Administration"

                    Additionally,  any  document  requiring  a  signature  that  the  CEO  or  COO  is  serving  as  a
                    supervisor or program manager for will follow the process detailed above.

                                      Copyright 2020 Vysnova Partners Inc.  All rights reserved.

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