P. 90

ANNEX K: Glossary
                                           A Rate Adjustment is when it is noticed throughout the year that the
                                           Provisional Rate may need to be looked at and adjusted due to increase or
                                           decrease in work performed during the year.  If this is the case the Controller
                                           will update the company budget and request an update Provisional Rate and
                     Indirect Rate         once submitted the invoices and Project Status reports are updated year to
                                           date with the new established rates.  A rate adjustment invoice will be
                                           produced to give back or bill addition rate adjustment.  Rate adjustments are
                                           usually done after the year has been completed and an Actual Rate has been
                                           Document used by suppliers of goods and services to specify the type and
                                           price of goods or services.
                                           Vysnova's IT department help desk physically located in Puerto Rico and
                     IT Help Desk          accessible by email
                     Learning Management
                     System                an online platform on which all training is created, accessed, and tracked
                                           Permanent inventory is all non-expendable goods, such as vehicle
                                           equipment and furniture purchased or acquired for the implementation of
                     Non-Expendable Items   project activities.  These goods are expected to last more than one year.
                                           A clear, concise statement about what an activity is meant to accomplish.
                                           Objectives are written to be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable,
                                           realistic, and time-bound. A successful project meets all its stated
                     Objective             objectives.
                                           Cost associated with Capture management, offices where project work is
                     Overhead              performed and its expenses, insurance for non-corporate and equipment used
                                           by project staff. Cost are part of overhead cost pool
                                           Vysnova's program management guide developed for Program Managers
                                           to prepare them to begin Vysnova's best practices of program
                     PM Guide              management on Day 1 of program execution
                     PMBOK (Project        the entire collection of processes, best practices, terminologies, and
                     Management Body of    guidelines that are accepted as standards within the project management
                     Knowledge)            industry.
                     Posting Journal       A journal within the accounting system that recognizes the type of entry.
                                           A collection of complementary projects forming a connected package of
                     Program               work
                                           A program manager has formal authority to manage a portfolio of projects
                                           and is responsible for meeting all its objectives. They oversee, at a high
                                           level, all projects within a program and regularly report to the COO on the
                     Program Manager       status of those projects.
                                           Activity funded by the client and implemented by Vysnova toward the
                                           achievement of specified goals and objectives.
                                           A temporary, goal-driven effort to create a unique output. A project has
                                           clearly defined phases, and its success is measured by whether it meets its
                     Project               stated objectives.
                                           A Project charter is a document that details the scope, organization, and
                                           objectives of a project. It is typically created by a project manager and
                     Project charter       agreed to and acknowledged by all team members.
                                           Codes used by Vysnova headquarters to identify a project. Project codes have
                     Project Code
                                           different levels.
                                      Copyright 2020 Vysnova Partners Inc.  All rights reserved.

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