Page 29 - Sakramen Perkawinan Erman & Clarissa
P. 29


                                                Holy Matrimony of Jeffrey & Fitriyani

         I, the Lord of snow and rain,
         I have borne My people’s pain.
         I have wept for love of them; they turn away.

         I will break their hearts of stone,
         Give them hearts for love alone.
         I will speak My Word to them – whom shall I send?

         I, the Lord of wind and �lame,
         I will tend the poor and lame.
         I will set a feast for them; My hand will save.
         Finest bread I will provide,
         Till their hearts be satis�ied.
         I will give My life to them – whom shall I send?

                                Kupersembahkan Cinta

         Kupersembahkan cinta pada-Mu, Oh Tuhan
         Bunga kasih karunia-Mu
         Di jalan yang panjang Kau pimpin langkahku
         Kau bawakan slamat sentosa

         Kupersembahkan kurban pada-Mu, Oh Tuhan
         Kerelaan-Mu tulus ikhlas
         Kau dengar doaku, Kau pegang tanganku
         Sampai bahteraku di surga

                  Kasih-Mu Tuhan, memberi kekuatan,
                  Dalam cobaan hidup ini
                  Kasih-Mu Tuhan, memberi pengharapan,
                  Membawa damai sejahtera
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