Page 27 - Business Build Catalogue May 2022
P. 27

434294                         01705B                          05902B
           Blackwood Pencil               Spectrum Pencil                 Newspaper Pencil
           If black is your preferred colour   A popular HB lead pencil made   These eco-friendly HB leaded pencils
           then this completely black pencil is   from Linden wood and Poplar   are made from recycled newspapers,
           perfect! Features black ferrule and   wood. Features a silver ferrule and   making them a fitting choice for
           eraser with a matt black body for   a coloured eraser. The wood is   environmentally friendly campaigns
           a delightfully debonair pencil with   sustainably sourced and is available   or organisations that want to send an
           sustainably sourced wood.      in a range of colours.          all-encompassing message. Features a
                                                                          silver ferrule and eraser
           Dimensions: 190mm x 7mm        Dimensions: 190mm x 7mm
           Print Area: Barrel - 55mmW x 20mmH.  Print Area: Barrel - 55mmW x 20mmH.  Dimensions: 180mm x 7mm
           1000 £0.35                     1000 £0.35                      Print Area: Barrel - 55mmW x 20mmH.
           2500 £0.29                     2500 £0.22                      1000 £0.35
           5000 £0.26                     5000 £0.20                      2500 £0.29
                                                                          5000 £0.26

           Executive Silburn Rollerball
           Plastic rollerball pen with metal elements and black ink. The matte finish
           of the plastic body complements the shiny silver trims perfectly and would
           make a great addition to your desktop essentials. Intended for business use
           only. Not suitable for children under 14 years of age.e.
           Dimensions: 135mm x 10mm
           Print Area: Barrel - 40mmW x 25mmH.
           500 £0.79      1000 £0.57      2500 £0.54

           Electra Inkredible Roller
           Alluminium pen with inkredible writing ink, anodised
           finish and chrome trim. Material: Metal.
           Dimensions: On Request
           Print Area: Barrel - 40mmW x 20mmH.
           Barrel side of clip - 50mmW x 10mmH.
           250 £0.90      500 £0.77      1000 £0.70


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