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STRETCH FABRIC STANDS                                          0161 336 1525


                                              Our new Serpentine Stands are a great alternative to regular upright banners. We have a
                                              range of curved aluminium frame systems, allowing you to create some stunning shapes.

                                              Each stand is incredibly easy to assemble. Simply pull the tensioned fabric sleeve over the
                                              tubular frame until taut, and let your visitors enjoy your digitally printed graphics.


                                               £230                    £230                    £332

                                       A                  B                    C                    D
                                Frame: 915 x 2280mm  Frame: 915 x 2280mm  Frame: 915 x 2280mm  Frame: 1200 x 2280mm
                                Graphic: 915 x 3500mm  Graphic: 917 x 3000mm  Graphic: 917 x 3000mm  Graphic: 1200 x 3320mm


                                              Designed to be simple and compact, our fabric display racks oer a neat solution for
                                              presenting products and promotional items as part of an attractive printed display.


                                                £332                 £578                    £332

                                    A                     B                    C                    D
                            Frame: 930 x 450 x 2280mm  Frame: 600 x 1900mm  Frame: 800 x 530 x 1900mm  Frame: 595 x 395 x 1900mm
                         Graphic: 840 x 1380/2600 x 3500mm  Graphic: 1800 x 1000mm  Graphic: 2390 x 1000mm  Graphic: 1480 x 1000mm

                  2017 PRINT COLLECTION                                          PLEASE NOTE ALL PRICES EXCLUDE VAT & DELIVERY
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