Page 242 - Business Build catalogue June 2024
P. 242


      1. TERMS AND CONDITIONS                   9. CLAIMS
      These terms and conditions apply to all orders and supersedes all others.  9.1 Claims arising from damages, delay or partial loss in transit must be made in writing to us, so as
      Signature of acknowledgement of order by you, constitutes your acceptance that our conditions  to reach us within 5 days of delivery.
      are  the  only  conditions  that  apply  to  the  contract  notwithstanding  any  purported  terms  put  9.2 All claims with regard to the quality or quantity of the goods shall be made in writing to us so as
      forward by you.                           to reach us within 5 days of receipt of goods or such goods shall be deemed to comply as to quality
                                                and quantity with the terms of the contract.
      2. PAYMENT TERMS                          9.3 You must examine all goods delivered at time of delivery. We shall not be liable for any loss
      2.1 Payment (on pre-approved credit accounts) shall be made in full within 30 days of invoice date,  arising from damage caused to the goods in transit unless loss or damage is noted on the delivery
      unless special settlement terms have been agreed by us in writing.  note at time of delivery.
      2.2 Any discounts are oered on the strict understanding that accounts are paid by the due date.   9.4 Claims in respect of non-delivery must be made in writing so as to reach us within 4 days from
      We reserve the right to cancel any such discounts to accounts which become overdue.  receipt of our invoice.
      3. TITLE                                  10. LIABILITY
      3.1 Consumers: your statutory rights are unaected.  10.1 Save in so far as defects in the goods cause death, injury or damage to personal property,
                                                our liability for any loss or damage suered by you in respect of the goods shall be limited to the
      3.2 Business Customers: until you pay all debts you may owe us:  contract value of the goods.
      3.2.1   All goods supplied by us remain our property;  10.2 We can accept no responsibility for loss or damage arising from the supply of goods under
      3.2.2   You must store them so that they are clearly identifiable as our   this contract unless you have fully complied with the notification of claims procedure set out in
      property;                                 clause 9.
      3.2.3   You  must  insure  them  (against  the  risks  for  which  a  prudent  owner  10.3 Nothing in these terms and conditions shall aect the right of a
             would insure them) and hold the policy on trust for us;  consumer.
      3.2.4   You may use these goods and sell them in the ordinary course of  10.4 If you accept delivery of the goods after the estimated delivery time, it will be on the basis
             your business but not if:          that you have no claim against us for delay (including indirect or consequential loss, or increase in
             a      we revoke that right (by informing you in writing); or  the price of goods).
             b      you become insolvent
      3.3 Business Customers: you must inform us (in writing) immediately if you become insolvent.  11. CANCELLATION CHARGES
      3.4 Business Customers: if your right to use and sell the goods ends you must allow us to remove  A charge will be made on all cancelled orders, together with the charge for all work carried out up
      the goods.                                to the date of receipt of written cancellation.
      3.5 Business Customers: we have your permission to enter any premises where the goods may
      be stored:                                12. OVERDUE ACCOUNTS
      3.5.1   At any time, to inspect them; and   12.1 No goods will be delivered on accounts which remain unpaid 14 days after payment is due.
      3.5.2   After your right to use and sell them has ended, to remove them,  Interest will be charged on overdue accounts, at the rate of 5% above the banks base rate from time
             using reasonable force if necessary.  to time from the date the account became due until payment is received. This does not prevent us
      3.6 Despite our retention of title to the goods, we have the right to take legal proceedings to  from pursuing payment of overdue accounts at any time after payment becomes due and shall be
      recover the price of goods supplied should you not pay us by the due date.  in addition to and without prejudice to any other rights we may have against you.
      3.7 You are not our agent. You have no authority to make any contract on our behalf or in our   12.2 We reserve the right to charge you for any legal or collection charges where it is necessary
      name.                                     to obtain payment from you of an overdue account through a third party or court proceedings.
      4. PRODUCTS                               13. ARTWORK AND PRINTING
      We reserve the right to alter any details or design of products illustrated without notice and while   13.1 Where applicable the prices shown include personalisation in one colour one position from
                                                camera ready artwork supplied, for additional positions or colours of personalisation please phone
      every  eort is  made  to  describe  goods  accurately in the catalogue  no  warranty  is  given as to   to obtain an exact quotation.
      accuracy and no responsibility will be accepted for error or mis-description and any resulting loss.
                                                13.2 On placing an order, please supply the necessary Pantone® colours for your artwork. We will
                                                match your Pantone® colours as close as possible however 100% match cannot be guaranteed,
      5. QUOTATIONS AND CONTRACTS               and the shade of the print colour may dier slightly when printed onto dierent surfaces. Where
      5.1 Orders are accepted subject to our right to adjust prices quoted to take account of any changes   you specify non standard printing colours, there will be an additional special match charge. Due to
      in the law or government regulations requiring us to increase prices by way of direct taxation,   the nature of metals and alloys, when engraving we cannot guarantee the colour of the engraved
      import duties, custom and excise duties or otherwise. The prices are based on today's current costs  surface even on the same item within the same order.
      of production and in the event of increase in wages or costs of materials to us occurring after the  13.3 Please supply artwork in a fully editable EPS format for Adobe Illustrator, scanned artwork
      confirmation or accepted contract, we shall be entitled to charge such increases to you.  will not be accepted. All artwork and print charges will be levied where necessary unless previously
      5.2 To ensure accuracy all orders must be confirmed by fax or post or email. Telephone orders  stipulated by us. Touching up or reworking of artwork will be charged, please contact the sales
      cannot  be  processed  until  written  confirmation  has  been  received.  All  changes  to  purchase  o™ce for further details.
      orders must be confirmed in writing and are subject to all costs incurred until the date of our  13.4 The published print areas and item sizes are approximate and should be
      acknowledgement of change.                regarded as a guideline only.
      6. PRICES                                 14. BATTERIES
      All prices are for quantities stated, are ex-warehouse and exclude VAT at the current rate. Prices  Unless indicated, batteries are not included. For battery costs and insertion charges, please call
      include personalisation of the item unless no personalisation area shown. Where ‘Print’ is stated,  our sales department.
      the price includes a one colour one position imprint. Where ‘Engraving’ is stated, the price includes
      engraving to one position to a maximum area of 5 square centimetres. An origination & set-up  15. SMALL ORDERS
      charge applies to all personalised orders per colour/per position, please contact the sales o™ce  Where you require a quantity smaller than the minimum quantity shown in the price list, this is
      for details. If printed proof samples are required these will incur a charge per colour per position,   normally possible but usually carries a small order surcharge. Please contact our sales department
      plus standard set up and origination charges, carriage and the unit cost, please contact the sales   for further information.
      o™ce for further details.
                                                16. FORCE MAJEURE
                                                We  will  not  be  held  responsible  for  the  failure  or  delay  in  the  carrying  out  of  our
      7. DELIVERY                               obligations  under  the  contract  arising  out  of  any  cause  outside  our  reasonable
      7.1 Every eort will be made to deliver on time, but any delivery day specified is a best estimate
      and no liability is accepted for any loss arising from delay or error in the delivery of the goods. All   control  or  by  inability  to  procure  materials  or  articles  except  at  higher  prices  due  to
                                                any  such  cause  and  in  such  circumstances  we  shall  be  entitled  by  notice  to
      deliveries will be charged at the prevailing rates applying at the date of such delivery.   terminate  the  contract  in  whole  or  in  part  without  incurring  any  liability  whatsoever  to
      7.2 Special rush deliveries can usually be arranged but will usually be subject to additional charges   you.
      (e.g.  rush  print  charges  and  rush  delivery  charges)  which  will  be  charged  to  you  at  current
      commercial rates.                         The company names, logos and trademarks which are printed on products shown in this catalogue
      7.3 Delivery charges as quoted are for a standard delivery service, whereby the responsibility for   are reproduced only to demonstrate the eect obtained by personalisation and as a guide to the
      unloading and storage of the goods lies with the consignee. Specifically pallets, pallet trucks and  personalisation positions, and do not necessarily imply that the products have been supplied to, or
      assistance with unloading are not included. If any of these services are required, please contact  endorsed by the owners of the trademarks featured. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
      us for a quote.                           The items featured are not presented for resale with these specific logos on them.
      8. QUANTITY VARIATION                     Due to the limitations of the four colour print process, the colours reproduced in this catalogue
      We shall be deemed to have fulfilled our contract by delivery of a quantity within 10% plus or  represent approximate colour matching only. The ordering of a sample is strongly recommended
      minus of the quantity of printed goods ordered and you will be charged at the contract rate for  to avoid any confusion over the exact colour of any items pictured herein.
      the final quantity delivered.              E & O.E
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